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National 2. A golden opportunity for Bergerac Périgord FC

Erwan Lannuzel
Erwan Lannuzel in front of his bench during the match against Créteil. (Photo Charles Boncheau)

In the only late match of National 2 of the day, Bergerac has a very good opportunity to break in case of success against FC Nantes.

Last week, the meeting between Bergerac Périgord FC and FC Nantes reserve was postponed because the Canaries had several players selected in the French youth teams. A postponement which had a little upset the Dordogne club. “We had anticipated a two-week program taking into account the break that was to be this weekendexplains Ewan Lannuzel, the Bergerac coach. We had focused on recovery but also a mix between football in the morning and cohesion in the afternoon in order to get out of the football context. »

During this twenty-third day, the BPFC24 was able to follow the defeat of its runner-up Angoulême Charente FC at Andrézieux-Bouthéon FC (0-1) from a distance. This Saturday, he therefore has the opportunity to take a four-step lead in the event of success against Nantes. “We have the possibility of continuing to move forward while the others are at a standstillsays the 33-year-old Basque. This is what is important above all. »

A mental slack after the Coupe de France

After their quarter-final of the Coupe de France against FC Versailles 78, Bergerac had stalled a bit with three consecutive draws (Béziers, Andrézieux, Stade Montois). But that didn’t worry his technician. “You have to be clear that just 48 hours after the French Cup match, we were leaving for Béziers where we brought back a good drawemphasizes Erwan Lannuzel. For a while, we had an overload of work, emotions and there may have been a little mental slack. »

But Bergerac remains on two successes (Colomiers, Bourges) and hopes to continue this series against the reserve of FC Nantes before a very perilous trip next week to Puy Foot 43.

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