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National 1: Sedan cries out for injustice after the rise of SC Bastia!

CS Sedan-Ardennes had a dream start to the 2019/20 financial year, managing to concede no goal during the first 13 days of the National 2 championship. But while the residents of the Louis-Dugauguez stadium were leading the Pool A, SC Bastia has managed to fall behind. Result, on the evening of the 21st day, a moment which coincided with the cessation of competitions, due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Corsicans were in the lead, five points ahead of Sedan. On April 16, the FFF had finally decided, formalizing an end to amateur competitions on March 13 (date of suspension of competitions) regardless of the number of games played. The body opting to fix the rankings according to the number of points obtained / number of games played in order to neutralize the effect of the games carried over. In other words, at the head on March 13, SC Bastia saw itself go up in National 1. Today, the dolphin of the Corsican club reacts with bitterness to several episodes which enamelled the season as well as to the decision of the FFF, in a press release.

* “Everything came together this season to make it a historic season. The community of the CSSA feels today, at the end of the truncated season which marked the centenary of the club, an immense frustration and a deep feeling of injustice. The 15 matches of the first leg of the championship ended with 13 consecutive victories without conceding the slightest goal, unique performance, and a total of 41 points out of 45 possible at the break.

The winning machine came to a halt this disastrous evening of January 11 during a match (against Haguenau, note) which will remain as the caricature of obnoxious unsportsmanlike behavior which seriously damages both the sports spirit and the image of football, tolerated in a perfectly inexplicable manner by an arbitration which did not guarantee the CSSA the conditions for basic fair play in accordance with the very essence of sportsmanship. At a time when the optimization of the carbon footprint is constantly mentioned, why did you favor the displacement of 2,000 kilometers from an arbitrator who has shown that he is not able to fulfill his role? Why such a lack of appreciation, such intransigence towards the CSSA, such subjectivity? The expulsion of 2 of our players at the end of the match and the very heavy suspensions which resulted from it had profound psychological consequences on the team.

The loss for many games of our goalkeeper and vice-captain, key player on the field, 1 goal conceded on 16 games played, but also in the locker room, associated with that of our captain and then our second vice-captain, with identical major roles on and off the field, and injured players, will have resulted in a series of games without a win. (…)

It was then that the CSSA gradually regained its entire workforce that the championship was interrupted. The frustration is immense as the CSSA, management and sports staff, players, were sincerely persuaded to have the capacity to take back the head of our championship once the group champion of autumn reconstituted and to gain on the ground the accession in N1 .

To the frustration is added a deep feeling of injustice and inequity as the decision to stop the final rankings in the last game played is arbitrary while a third of the championship remained to be played.

We have unsuccessfully proposed to the football authorities solutions for objective weighting of the classification chosen as the application of multi-criteria such as the classification at the break, when all the teams met once, the classification after the last match played, the classification on the basis of article 6-1-F (l) of the regulations for the N1-N2 championships 2019/2020 (result of confrontations between the first 6 amateur clubs of the group), the greatest number of days spent in the lead, the classification instead of all the games played and finally the direct confrontation between the first 2 clubs.

As expected, the solution chosen by the FFF generates multiple complaints and litigation. The CSSA will legitimately initiate any appropriate challenge action in the name of equity and sports justice before the CNOSF, the French National Olympic and Sports Committee, then the administrative courts if necessary. »*

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