Home » today » Entertainment » Nathalie Meskens in the confessional after the release of debut single: “That’s bad, I know, but I’m trying to work on it”

Nathalie Meskens in the confessional after the release of debut single: “That’s bad, I know, but I’m trying to work on it”

She reveals a piece of her own love life in her new single You knocked down my walls, so now is the time to ask her some more curious questions. What she’s missing, what she’s secretly doing, what she’s addicted to – and she’s even talking past her nose.

Wim Dehandschutter

Today at 10:40–

Where do you get energy from?

“My children. They cost me energy of course due to lack of sleep, but they give me back so much more energy. I can keep looking at them. Then my stomach itches and I feel that I am alive.”

What are you addicted to?

“Sunlight! When the sun comes up and the sky is blue, I’m happy. Every stupid problem – something broken in the house or something inconvenient that I have to sort out – suddenly seems less bad.”

What do you do when no one is looking?

“Picking my nose. But don’t eat it, eh.” (laughs)

What is your obnoxious habit?

“I kind of stare at people. Together with a friend on a terrace we are like Statler and Waldorf, the commentators from The Muppet Show† Then we make up the most absurd and sometimes lurid stories about passers-by. So off: She is going to drown him in the bath tonight and then it fails.

What character trait would you like to change?

“I have no patience. If I think things are going too slow, I can’t help but intervene or bother. That’s bad, I know, but I’m trying to work on that.”

What are you missing in your life?

“Nothing. I have so much: two healthy children, a wonderful boyfriend, wonderful family and friends, you name it. What a wealth. I am grateful for what I have and may experience. I get everything out of life. I am of the principle: you never know when your last heartbeat is, so live life.”

What would you do if you won the big lotto pot?

“I’ve often wondered that. And I always say in the first instance that I want to support charities. As ambassador of Cunina (a Belgian NGO that helps underprivileged children worldwide, ed.) I would, for example, fund the construction of schools. I find myself always putting myself last. I already have everything to be happy anyway.”

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