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Natalia Curvelo speaks for the first time about the death of her brother

During an interview with journalist Víctor Sánchez, lVallenata music singer Natalia Curvelo referred to the death of her brother Alfredo and his best friend, in a traffic accident occurred on October 7, 2022 on roads in the department of Antioquia.

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The young woman reported that moments before the road accident she began to feel a premonition that made her hesitate to take a flight from Barranquilla to Medellín, where she had a musical performance that night.

I was in Barranquilla, we played here the night before and no one knows everything that happened that whole day, that was horrible, I think it was the worst day of my life. They leave on October 7, My brother passed away on my dad’s birthday. I was traveling to Medellín at 9:00 at night and when I arrived at the airport he gave me such an ugly thing in my heart. and I looked at my mom and told her that I didn’t want to travel.”said Natalia Curvelo.

He narrated that at his mother’s insistence he traveled and when he arrived in Medellín he was informed that the bus in which his group and his brother were traveling had had an accident.

I walked into the airport with tears in my eyes and it was a horrible trip. Landing in Medellín is when they turn around and arriving at the hotel is when they call me to give me the news. I didn’t know the magnitude of the accident.“said the singer, who immediately left the hotel where she was staying and went to the scene of the accident, an hour from the urban center of Medellín.

The journey lasted an hour and that was the longest journey of my life, “an hour of anguish, of desperation to know how everyone was doing and apart from me they had told me that my brother was not reacting and when I arrived at the scene of the accident, when I saw that overturned bus, I saw that it was very serious.”he related.

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Natalia Curvelo said that her coworkers hid from her that her brother Alfredo had died and it was a police officer who was in charge of breaking the news to her, collapsing her world.

I started to get desperate because they told me that my brother was there and ‘Tavo’ toobut I see that they do nothing, they told me that one was dead and they told me that they were waiting for a tow truck to be able to lift the bus and get them out, but I said that if my brother was there he must be suffering and I got ‘dizzy’. They said they were waiting and that’s when a police officer saw me and told me that my brother also died. It was a very ugly feeling because I was yelling at him as if he were alive and listening to me…”, he narrated.

One year after the death of her brother and her best friend, the singer preferred to spend this day with her family and asked her manager not to make musical commitments. On her social networks she published a photograph visiting the grave where her brother is buried.

Natalia Curvelo visiting the tomb of her brother Alfredo. PHOTO: TAKEN FROM INSTAGRAM.

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