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NasDem’s counterattack on Bawaslu after Anies calls to steal campaign start


Indonesian election monitoring body mention of safari activities Anies Baswedan which has been run at this time seems unethical because it can be seen as stealing the start of the campaign. NasDemthe party carrying Anies as presidential candidate (capres) then attacked Bawaslu.

This case began with RI Bawaslu member Puadi commenting on Anies’ safari activities. NasDem then spoke up and gave an incisive response. Anies also opened his voice in this matter. Find out the explanation.

Steal Start campaign

As for stealing the start of the campaign, Puadi previously said. He was of the opinion that what Anies was doing could be seen as unethical.

This is because the public knows that Anies is a figure promoted as a presidential candidate by one of the political parties. So that what Anies is doing will seem to steal the start of the campaign.

“Even though the reporter’s report did not meet the material requirements, in terms of political ethics, the political safari activities carried out by AB (Anies Baswedan) can be seen as an unethical act, because she had been doing covert campaigning activities and it seemed for steal the lead in running the campaign as a candidate for president in the upcoming 2024 presidential election,” said RI member Bawaslu Puadi at the RI Bawaslu office, Central Jakarta, on Thursday (12/15/2022).

“The public already knows that Anies Baswaden is a presidential candidate who will be supported by a combination of certain parties, so her political safari activities can be interpreted as campaigning or at least socializing as a presidential candidate in the 2024 election, especially in per increase his eligibility later in the 2024 election,” Puadi said.

Puadi called on all parties to refrain from initiating political activities. He said the activity could be done later according to his schedule.

“Everyone must understand and be able to refrain from campaigning or socializing in any way, because now is not the time to campaign,” he said.

NasDem Bawaslu’s answer, see next page

Watch video: Bawaslu-KPU formulates rules of unscheduled campaign

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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