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NasDem-PKB-PKS-PDIP If the Coalition helps Anies, the package deal wins


NasDem politician Bestari Barus talks about coalition alternatives with PKSPKB and PDIP assist Ann Baswedan within the Jakarta gubernatorial election 2024. Bestari is assured that the coalition will win.

At first he responded to PKS who formally supported Anies-Sohibul Iman. He believes that PKS, because the winner of the legislative election in Jakarta, ought to appoint an official to the cagub place.

“Effectively, it’s kind of humorous, for instance, the get together that gained the election, this winner, in DKI too, do not simply title the deputy governor, do not you simply title the governor, the deputy governor? The governor presents. this might occur,” Bestari mentioned when contacted, Wednesday (26/6/2024).

Bestari then mentioned that if PKB, PKS, NasDem and PDIP agreed to assist Anies, an automated victory can be in sight.

“4 events are supporting Anies, there’s NasDem, PKB, PKS after which PDIP, when you can take part in it, oh, it is a full package deal, this successful package deal,” he mentioned.

Moreover, he admitted that he was upset about PKS out of the blue naming its personal candidate. Bestari believes that PKS will give up if the coalition’s resolution doesn’t meet expectations.

“However how we’ve got not performed the important thing but, that we’re the deputy governor, even when we’re already the chairman of the DPRD, and we’ve got an excellent relationship with Mr. Anies, it’s a drawback for us ,” he mentioned. mentioned.

“Hopefully it will not be like that, I am positive PKS will likely be prepared. It isn’t a hard and fast value both, solely then will dialogue rooms open to convey Mr. Anies collectively,” mentioned e.

Watch DetikPagi Reside:

Watch the video ‘PKS Says NasDem Agrees to Anies-Sohibul Duet: Direct Communication with PKB-PDIP’:


2024-06-26 23:14:04

#NasDemPKBPKSPDIP #Coalition #helps #Anies #package deal #wins

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