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NasDem confirms the cancellation of the declaration of the “Coalition of Change” of 10 November


President of the DPP NasDem party Willy Aditya says’Coalition of change‘along with coalition partner candidates from the Democratic Party and the PKS, the statement was canceled on 10 November. Willy said the statement would likely be made by the end of the year.

“It is certain that November 10 will not be a joint statement,” Willy told reporters at the parliament complex, Senayan, Jakarta on Wednesday (11/9/2022) on Wednesday.

Willy said the planned statement was canceled because PKS was yet to hold a Syuro assembly meeting in December. In addition, Ketum Democrat Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) has also just returned to the country since 10 November.

“First, PKS will hold a syuro assembly meeting at the end of December, which means. Second, Mas AHY and his friends just got home around November 10,” he said.

Willy said his party respects the existing mechanism in every political party candidate for coalition partners. “Yes, let’s wait, obviously we have to respect the party mechanism, as are the parties,” he said.

However, Willy ensured that the commitment built by each political party as the initiator of the “Coalition for Change” was shrinking. He said that currently the three political parties only need to express their understanding in the form of a formal agreement.

“At least the commitment for the sake of the commitment has shrunk, how can you formalize the understanding in mutual agreements, that’s all,” he said.

Furthermore, Willy said the declaration plan would be implemented by the end of the year. According to Willy, the agreement to form a coalition does not have to be a joint declaration, but must be agreed individually.

“As soon as possible the end of the year. But it is possible one by one. After NasDem, Democrats, maybe PKS. So it must not be a joint statement, but also party by party, because this is also talking, we give priority to one, the spirit is the same as the name The ‘Coalition of Change’. The second is which scenarios are effective even in our small team, “Willy said.

Also check out “NasDem Says It Won’t Sink Because It Supports Anies Candidate”:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

(fca / rfs)

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