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NasDem: Anies Antithesis Jokowi


Politic NasDem Zulfan Lindan revealed that his party had conducted a study using a dialectical philosophy approach before deciding Anies Baswedan as a presidential candidate. NasDem assessed that Anies was the antithesis of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) so that he is eligible to be a candidate for the presidency.

“I want to go into why it was accelerated (Anies announcement as presidential candidate), this must first be clear in the background. So this, we have studied it with a dialectical philosophy approach, this is the philosophical approach of Hegel, “Zulfan said on Tuesday (11/1). 10/2022).

He expressed this in the Perspective Competing program entitled “Declaration Race Competition, Coalition Quick Competition” which was broadcast by detikcom in collaboration with Total Politics. He said there was a clear difference between Jokowi and Anies.


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“First of all, we see Jokowi as a thesis, a thesis, think and work, Jokowi’s thesis is the same. So let’s look for the antithesis, what is the antithesis? From Jokowi’s antithesis, it fits, Anies”, Zulfan said.

Zulfan said Anies has conceptual thinking skills formulated in policies. He assessed that other figures who have good eligibility, such as Prabowo Subianto and Ganjar Pranowo, are almost the same as Jokowi.

“What does it mean, think conceptually and then formulate it in politics. Now we hope that from these two, from Jokowi, from Anies this synthesis is even more powerful in 2029, so this must be because if it is, for example Ganjar, from tense to tense, there is no antithesis. Prabowo from tense to tense, there is no antithesis. (Puan) Similar, “he said.

Zulfan pointed out that Anies was determined as a presidential candidate through a study.

“The reason we decided on Anies was studied,” he added.

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