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NASA’s Personal Rescue Enclosure (PRE) – A Giant Cloth Ball to Save Astronauts


The United States Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA once created a 90-centimeter cloth ball called the Personal Rescue Enclosure (PRE). PRE, also known as a rescue ball, is used to save astronauts from damaged aircraft.

Quoted from Science Alertthis rescue ball creation program was co-developed with the Space Shuttle Program.

The giant cloth ball had a tiny air tank measuring 0.33 cubic meters, which could transport one astronaut from the damaged shuttle to the rescue shuttle.

NASA produced a prototype of this program, but never carried out any missions.

Made of Three Layers of Fabric

It is known, this giant ball is made of three layers of fabric, namely urethane, kevlar, and an outer layer of material. The ball also has a small Lexan window and zips for entry and exit.

Even though it only fits one person, this ball holds a carbon dioxide scrubber/oxygen supply that will last for an hour.

The PRE is used when an accident or challenger occurs. If that happens, the astronaut is not wearing a space suit and if there is enough time to launch the rescue craft, the PRE system will be used.

The PRE itself would be attached to the Space Shuttle until the airlock was depressurized, then the astronauts would transport the PRE and the astronauts on board to the rescue craft.

At that time, NASA had plans to transfer the entire crew from the damaged spacecraft to the rescue craft by transferring with the Canadianrm.

Leave PRE and Switch to Space Suit

Initially, NASA believed that with this program, they could turn expensive space missions into routine operations.

The Shuttle program became a hope for many people at that time. However, in the end the PRE was abandoned and everyone into space was given space suits.

Although the Shuttle Program was initially thought to change everything. However, on the other hand, PRE is also seen as a joke rather than an emergency preparation.

Because, PRE was only closed on the outside, the window was small, and only saved a few astronauts.

In the end NASA thinks that the safety of astronauts is very important. Therefore, NASA then developed better technology to save astronauts.

Since 1994, all astronauts working outside the ISS now use the Simplified Aid For EVA Rescue (SAFER) system. It is a jetpack that allows astronauts to return to the ISS if their mooring fails or they become separated from Canadarm 2 and Dextre.

Watch VideoNew Space Suit Excellence for NASA Astronauts


2023-06-06 13:30:00
#Giant #Ball #Created #NASA #Created #Save #Astronauts

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