Young stellar objects (YSOs) are generally considered to be stars in the early stages of their evolution. Especially for pre-birth stars and stars that are already stable. These stars are usually found within dense molecular clusters containing many molecular gases and interstellar particles.

Recently, a team of international astronomers Led by astronomers from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), the United States used the James Webb Space Telescope to study the number of young objects in the open cluster NGC 346, located about 202,000 light years from Earth is the cluster and source of the brightest stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way. Astronomers said that the open cluster NGC 346 has a complex history of star formation. It is full of different populations. From the evolution of massive stars to young low-mass objects

Astronomers identified 833 objects in NGC 346 that showed excess mass in the mid-infrared. These materials are often in places where dust and gas are spread. This shows that there could be some young things. This is after astrologers have properly distributed the astrological energy. 23 objects were determined to be young juveniles. Their sizes vary. Most have a mass of 0.95-4.15 times the mass of the Sun.

Credit: Habel et al., 2024.