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NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope Releases Stunning High-Definition Image of Horsehead Nebula, Birthplace of New Stars

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, the world’s most powerful space telescope The sharpest infrared image to date of the Horsehead Nebula has been released. In the constellation Orion Scientists believe that the region is the birthplace of many new stars.

Although this image of the Horsehead Nebula is not the first, it is the most recent high definition image. Focus on capturing the mane area of ​​the horse’s shape. Spanning 0.8 light-years across and about 1,300 light-years from Earth, this image is the most complex and detailed image ever seen.

The world’s first image of the Horsehead Nebula was taken byThe Scottish astronomer Williamina Fleming in 1888, but with the technology of telescopes at that time, the images were not very clear.

Behind the amazing capabilities of the James Webb Space Telescope is the MIRI instrument, a mid-infrared imager. of the James Webb Space Telescope and the NIRCam near-infrared camera. It can capture high-resolution images of small structures such as blue and red clouds, as well as the bright edge areas of the Horsehead Nebula. Current telescopes on Earth cannot capture images as high as the James Webb Space Telescope in space.

Scientists in charge of the projectThe James Webb Space Telescope providesAdditional details about that image: “The red clouds that stretch above the nebula are both hydrogen atoms and molecules. mixed with ultraviolet light from young, massive nearby stars, among themIonized gasand dust In addition, other galaxies in the background can be clearly seen.

Previous images of the Horsehead Nebula have been recorded several times For example, in November 2023, the European Space Agency published the Horsehead Nebula. which shows details of a young planet with a similar mass to Jupiter.

And back in 2013, to honor the 23-year Hubble Space Telescope, NASA released new images of the Horsehead Nebula, showing the dusty structure of the nebula However, both images still have a lower resolution than the Latest image published byThe James Webb Space Telescope was recently unveiled.

Source of information Yahoo.com, AP News

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