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“NASA’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter Loses Communication During 72nd Flight”

NASA’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter Loses Communication During 72nd Flight

In a surprising turn of events, NASA’s Ingenuity Mars helicopter has lost communication with its handlers during its 72nd flight on Mars. The 4-pound (1.8 kilograms) chopper went incommunicado on Thursday, leaving the Ingenuity team scrambling to reestablish contact. Despite the setback, data received from Ingenuity indicates that it successfully reached its maximum altitude of 40 feet (12 meters) before the communication blackout occurred.

NASA officials provided an update on Friday, stating, “During its planned descent, communications between the helicopter and rover terminated early, prior to touchdown. The Ingenuity team is analyzing available data and considering next steps to reestablish communications with the helicopter.” This unexpected development has left scientists and engineers at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California, which manages both Ingenuity and the Perseverance rover, perplexed.

Ingenuity and Perseverance made history when they landed together in February 2021 in the Jezero Crater on Mars. This crater, spanning 28 miles wide (45 kilometers), was once home to a vast lake and a river delta billions of years ago. While Perseverance’s primary mission is to search for signs of past life on Mars and collect samples for future return to Earth, Ingenuity has been serving as a scout for the car-sized rover.

Initially, Ingenuity was only slated for a five-flight technology-demonstrating campaign. However, after successfully completing its original mission, NASA extended Ingenuity’s role for an extended mission. The little chopper has since surpassed expectations, staying aloft for more than 128 minutes and covering a total distance of 11 miles (17.7 kilometers) during its 72 flights on Mars.

Now, with Ingenuity’s communication loss, the focus shifts to finding a solution. NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory has suggested that Perseverance could potentially drive closer to Ingenuity for a visual inspection, as the rover is currently out of line-of-sight with the helicopter. This collaborative effort between the two robotic explorers highlights the teamwork and ingenuity required for successful missions on Mars.

Ingenuity’s flights have been groundbreaking, as it is the first vehicle ever to explore the skies of a world beyond Earth. Its ability to navigate the Martian atmosphere has provided valuable insights into the potential for future aerial exploration on other planets. The data collected during Ingenuity’s flights has been instrumental in advancing our understanding of Mars and paving the way for future missions.

As the Ingenuity team analyzes the available data and works towards reestablishing communication, the scientific community eagerly awaits updates on the fate of this pioneering helicopter. Will Ingenuity’s handlers be able to regain contact and continue pushing the boundaries of exploration on Mars? Only time will tell, but one thing is certain: Ingenuity has already left an indelible mark on the history of space exploration.

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