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“NASA’s Curiosity Rover Captures Image of Terra Firme, a Mars Rock Resembling an Open Book”

NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover captured a close-up of a rock called Terra Firme, which looks like an open book. The image was taken with a special camera called the Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI).

The odd shape of the rock, just over an inch across, is not an uncommon occurrence, as Martian rocks are often formed by water seeping through fissures, bringing with them harder minerals that aid in the long-term erosion of the rock’s shape.

In this case, after sandstorms and strong winds, the rock eroded over a long period of time until it has reached its present shape, with an almost perfect shape resembling an open book.

The Curiosity rover is a mobile laboratory, launched in November 2011 from Cape Canaveral in Florida, and finally landed on Mars in August 2012, in a part of Mars called Gale Crater.

NASA launched Curiosity as part of a long-term mission to explore Mars in previously unknown ways. This laboratory is unmanned and operated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the California Institute of Technology.

The mission aims to uncover what life might be on Mars, get a clearer picture of climatic conditions on the Red Planet, and whether it can sustain human life or even enable humanity to build structures in certain areas of Mars that can. man. live artificially.

These could be broodstock with shelter, not like the ones you see at research stations in the Arctic, but at a different scale.

To achieve the stated goals, eight scientific goals have been set. Equipped with innovative technology, including cameras, spectrometers and sensors, the rover has conducted experiments and expeditions to gather exploratory information to help scientists understand the history and evolution of this unique planet.

The most notable discoveries to date are evidence of ancient water valleys and the presence of organic molecules, indicating that at some point in the past, microbiological life forms may have settled on Mars.

2023-05-14 23:15:14
#bookshaped #rock #photographed #Mars

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