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NASA uses AI to create parts and it creates almost alien shapes

2023 looks set to be a pivotal year for AI. It’s coming at us from all sides and only AI (not God) knows what’s in store for us this year.

We have something to look forward to. Especially those whose jobs will be taken over by AI, right. I also hope he gains self-awareness and declares humanity a cancer on the planet that needs to be eradicated. Nowadays, however, even unconscious AI is constrained by artificial moral dogmas to avoid accidentally offending someone. However, this was achieved by AI, which generated the entire series (a parody of Seinfeld). Then she happened to make some forum about race or something and of course the whole series was canceled immediately.

But back to NASA. It has been using AI for some time to create hardware for specific missions. The procedure was such that a CAD modeling expert checked what was needed where and how to connect to what. From this the structural design developed and the expert had to think carefully so that the hardware does not obstruct the sensors and the like. Research engineer Ryan McClelland advocated the use of AI-generated disposable parts. He called it “evolved structures”. They look really alien, by his own admission.

It is important that the mission components created in this way are, for example, a third lighter than classically produced parts and are available faster. The whole process should not take more than a week. And most importantly, AI can design hardware to be much stronger and more durable. In some cases, the degree of loading is up to ten times less than with a human-designed part. The developed structures have already been used in various NASA missions, including space telescopes, planetary instruments or scanners of the Earth’s atmosphere. They will also be (are) deployed in an ambitious mission to import samples from Mars.

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