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NASA Unable to Open Asteroid Sample Seal, but Outside Holds Surprising Results

The seal containing samples collected from the asteroid “Bennu” was returned to Earth a month ago, but NASA engineers were unable to open it.

After a seven-year space journey, “Osiris-Rex” completed the sampling work of the asteroid “Bennu” and returned to Earth on September 24. The sample capsule contains the most important samples from asteroids in human history. The largest soil sample collected on the lunar surface is the most important extraterrestrial sample collection mission since the Apollo program brought back lunar sand and gravel samples more than 50 years ago.

However, NASA encountered an unexpected problem. They were unable to open the sealer containing a large number of samples from the Bennu asteroid. Two of the 35 bolts on the sealer were particularly stubborn and could not be used. They are currently approved for use on Osiris. No. tools for disassembly.

NASA official website picture

However, the material stained outside the seal has reached its original goal. NASA originally hoped to collect at least 60 grams of samples for this mission, but the samples collected outside the seal have reached 70.3 grams. Preliminary research shows that these black alien materials The powder is rich in carbon and water, which can help scientists understand the early stages of the formation of the solar system and explore the origin of life. As for how many samples are stored in the seal, we will not know until NASA has a way to open it.

NASA official website picture

Italian fashion brand Prada will jointly design and manufacture a new NASA space suit with private space company Axiom Space.

AP pictures

The U.S. Space Agency (NASA) plans to land on the moon again in 2025 and has issued a bid requesting Prada to create a flexible, durable and more comfortable space suit that can not only withstand the harsh lunar environment, but also allow astronauts to have greater mobility and a smarter digital support system.

The British Broadcasting Corporation reported that Prada will work with Axiom Space to design and manufacture NASA’s new space suit in 2025. Axiom Space said that Prada can bring expertise in materials and manufacturing for this project. An astronaut said that Prada is qualified for this job because they have more design-related experience. In addition to the Milan fashion show, this experience also includes Prada’s participation in the America’s Cup sailing competition.

Professor Jeffrey Hoffman, who has carried out five space missions, said, “Prada has a lot of experience in the use of various synthetic materials and can indeed bring technical contributions to the surface production of new space suits. He added, “A space suit is like a small spacecraft. It must provide oxygen, pressure, and keep you at a reasonable temperature, so you can’t expect it to have a gorgeous appearance.”

Axiom Space launched a prototype space suit for the “Artemis 3” lunar project earlier this year. It weighs 55 kilograms and is most suitable for women. “Artemis 3” will be the first time astronauts have landed on the moon since “Apollo 17” in 1972, and Christina Koch will also become the first female astronaut to land on the moon.

Axiom Space X platform picture

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