Home » Technology » NASA Transmits Cat Video from 12 Million Miles Away: Groundbreaking Communication Experiment in Space

NASA Transmits Cat Video from 12 Million Miles Away: Groundbreaking Communication Experiment in Space

Nasa has just sent a cat video from 12 million miles away back to Earth in a new experiment that tests the limits of communication between our own planet and the depths of the solar system.

The cat is called Taters and is owned by a NASA employee. The video shows Tater’s pursuit of a laser beam and was uploaded to a spacecraft that was launched on October 13. It took some time before the spacecraft got far enough away for the experiment to be carried out, but the results show a clear success.

Ryan Rogalin, head of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, seems quite pleased with the experiment. “Despite sending from millions of kilometers away, it was able to send the video faster than most broadband internet connections,” he tells BBC.

Graphs from the spacecraft also analyzed the Taters’ race, health and age, showing more than just a fun video to watch from space.

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2023-12-21 10:24:18
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