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NASA Team Will Turn On Wide Field Camera 3 at Hubble

SAN FRANCISCO, iNews.id – Engineers are working to fix Hubble The Space Telescope was put into safe mode after last month’s glitch. After turning on one instrument, engineers are now working on a plan to power the other instrument, so they can continue the science operations.

In a recent update, the engineers NASA shared more details on how they approached the sync issue that occurred on October 25th. The problem is that some of the sync messages are missed by the instrument, so the telescope automatically puts itself into safe mode.

Aim the telescope into safe mode to prevent damage to the instrument. Since turning on the ACS instrument, no more missed sync messages. For now, other instruments remain in safe mode.

But the team has plans to make changes that will allow the instrument to continue operating even if some sync messages are missed. They are now planning in what order they should power the remaining instruments to ensure the smallest possible risk to the telescope’s capabilities.

NASA estimates it will take several weeks to plan the size of the operation and test when they should make software changes. The next step is to turn on Wide Field Camera 3 without any changes to check if it still works as it should.

Despite the current problems with Hubble, NASA seems confident the telescope will continue to operate for at least another five years. The agency recently extended Hubble’s operating contract until 2026, pledging an additional $215 million for telescope operations by the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) in Baltimore.

Editor: Dini Listiyani

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