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NASA sets dates for moon return; see when

NASA wants to put humans on the moon again (Getty)

  • NASA expects new mission to reach the moon in 2024

  • The project will be divided into three phases

  • In the first phase, ships will go unmanned

One of the historic moments that marked the culmination of human conquest over nature – the landing of man on the moon – will have a new and exciting chapter. With Brazilian participationthe Artemis mission plans to take a new manned mission to the lunar surface in 2024.

According to the new schedule published by the North American aerospace agency, the first phase of the project – which will be divided into three major stages – will be on August 29, with the launch of the Artemis I mission.

The SLS rocket (Space Launch System, or space launch system, in free translation) will transport the Orion vehicle – designed to take astronauts to places never before reached – through the Moon’s orbit and back to Earth, but without crew. In this first phase, crucial elements of the functioning of propulsion systems and travel routes will be put to the test.

The complexity of missions will increase as the timeline progresses. In the second phase, Artemis II, which will be fully manned, highly qualified astronauts will carry out exhaustive tests on the launch, docking, survival and cargo transport systems through space. The mission will also be a milestone for the future of space exploration beyond Earth and lunar orbit: the success of the technologies will guarantee the viability of missions that aim to reach Mars. The path during Artemis II will be the longest traveled by humans outside Earth: about 450,000 kilometers beyond the blue planet’s orbit.

Scheduled for 2024, Artemis III should, in fact, take astronauts to the lunar surface. Between them, the first woman to step on the moon. With the evolution of the missions, the expectation is that the load capacity of the SLS rocket combined with the manned capsule Orion will increase from 26 to 45 metric tons, which should guarantee the survival of the crew in missions in deep space.

NASA prepared a special video to invite the world’s population to follow the launch of Artemis I.

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