Within NASA they work hand in hand to achieve the new milestones of the space race – mainly in the new section that is now open to conquer the Moon. Her latest success just a few weeks ago. Moment in which, together with SpaceX, they opened the door to the privatization of space with the first manned mission in charge of the Elon Musk company. It also involved the consolidation of North American space technology after long years depending on Russia.

In this context and trying to capture talent that may reside outside of NASA offices, the North American agency has just announced the list of winners of a startup acceleration project. A program dependent on the Federal Government for all its agencies in the country that have the firm intention of getting hold of the new innovations in the first instance.

At the moment in Phase I, almost 300 selected companies will receive a total of $ 51 million – about 125,000 each – to develop their projects. The best of this section will go to Phase II with higher amounts that will aim to transfer their projects from the laboratory to a commercial environment.

As every year, those selected group together a long list of disciplines. But how could it be otherwise, the Moon – and technological developments that may affect our satellite – are the order of the day. Among them water purification systems focused on space race or battery upgrades for lunar use.

Compact technologies sterilization for space travel –Very closely linked to the current pandemic of the planet– that propose systems for microbial counting of astronauts, dust control in space equipment or mechanisms to limit the effect of solar radiation on humans. The latter with a clear focus on the space race that has the objective on Mars for the coming years. Among the proposed systems of space sails and easy-to-maneuver vehicles in orbit for the incentive of the private sector.

Also artificial intelligence systems for computers or more developments aimed at controlling cameras through drones.

The move to the next Phase is not expected for a few months, since NASA continues to work with the call for last year. At the moment, they are also focused on ideas made in USA unless the new era of the space race begins to break down barriers.