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“NASA Seeks ‘Martians’ for Simulated Mission to Mars”

NASA Seeks ‘Martians’ for Simulated Mission to Mars

Have you ever dreamed of living on Mars? Well, now you have the chance to be a part of a simulated mission to the red planet. NASA is currently seeking potential “Martians” for its second planned Crew Health and Performance Exploration Analog mission, set to begin in the spring of 2025. This exciting opportunity allows volunteers to experience what it would be like to live and work on Mars.

Living Conditions on Mars

During the one-year mission, a crew of four individuals will reside in Mars Dune Alpha, a 3D-printed habitat located at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston. Spanning an impressive 1,700 square feet, this habitat is designed to replicate the living conditions that future astronauts will encounter on the Martian surface. By understanding how a crew reacts to the challenges of a deep space mission, NASA can better plan for future exploration of Mars.

Challenges and Activities

Inside Mars Dune Alpha, participants will engage in various activities that simulate life on Mars. They will grow crops, maintain their habitat, exercise, carry out robotic operations, and even go on simulated spacewalks. These activities will expose them to real issues such as equipment failure, communication delays, environmental stressors, and limited resources. By facing these challenges head-on, the crew will provide valuable insights into how astronauts can overcome obstacles during their journey to Mars.

NASA’s Crew Criteria

If you’re interested in becoming a part of this extraordinary mission, there are a few criteria you must meet. NASA is looking for nonsmoking, healthy U.S. citizens between the ages of 30 and 55 who are proficient in English. Additionally, applicants should have a strong desire for unique adventures and an interest in contributing to NASA’s work. The agency is specifically seeking individuals with a master’s degree in a STEM field or a related requirement like a medical degree. They must also have two years of professional experience or at least 1,000 hours of pilot-in-command time on a jet aircraft. Passing the astronaut physical test is also a requirement.

Selection Process and Timeline

The selection process for the mission could take up to 13 months. Finalists will undergo medical, psychological, and psychiatric tests to ensure they are mentally and physically suited for the mission. It’s important to note that food allergies or certain medications could disqualify applicants. However, candidates will have the opportunity to learn about their compensation if selected during the screening process.

Previous Simulations and Current Mission

The current mission is part of a series of Mars analog missions conducted by NASA. The first simulation mission, which began on June 25, 2023, is set to conclude on July 6. Its main goals include monitoring and assessing the health and performance of the crew as they live in a confined space and face the challenges of life on Mars.

During their time in isolation, the crew has already achieved significant milestones. They successfully harvested their first crops, including leafy greens, peppers, and tomatoes, using an indoor home gardening system. The team has also gone on numerous simulated “Marswalks” in a red sandbox designed to mimic excursions on the Martian surface. Additionally, they continue to conduct biological and physical experiments and investigations.

Lessons Learned and Future Missions

The knowledge gained from the inaugural mission will be instrumental in filling knowledge gaps regarding the health and well-being of Martian crews. It will also provide insights into ensuring they have sufficient supplies and support while millions of miles away from Earth. NASA has planned a total of three simulation missions, each lasting 378 days and taking place in a sealed habitat at the Johnson Space Center.

If you’ve ever dreamed of being a part of a historic mission to Mars, now is your chance. Apply today to become one of NASA’s “Martians” and contribute to the future of space exploration. Who knows, you might just be one step closer to becoming a real-life astronaut!

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