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NASA | Russia prepares a space observatory to look for constructions in the universe

The future Russian space observatory Spektr-M, whose launch is planned from 2027, will be partially dedicated to the search for large artificial structures in the universe.

Russian astronomer Alexander Panov, head of the scientific-cultural center SETI at the Astronomy Council at the Russian Academy of Sciences, he said that apart from trying to capture a hypothetical message from an extraterrestrial civilization there are other possibilities of finding intelligent life in the universe, how to look for signs of construction, type dyson sphere, a hypothetical mega structure proposed in 1960 by physicist Freeman Dyson, that would allow a developed civilization to harness the solar energy of a star.

“These constructions must shine brightly in the infrared range if they maintain an adequate temperature within activities of living beings. A part of the scientific program of the Spektr-M telescope that is developed in Russia is oriented to this task,” he said. Panov, cited by sputniknews.com.

Spektr-M will study black holes, cosmic rays and dark matter in the Universe, operating in the millimeter and infrared ranges and using a cryogenic telescope.

Although the search for extraterrestrial life has not yet yielded results, our knowledge of the universe has changed completely. In 2014, astronomers discovered the exoplanet (or extrasolar planet) Kepler-186f, considered a ‘cousin’ of the Earth located in the “habitable zone” of its star, where the temperature allows the presence of water in a liquid state, essential for life. Since then, the discoveries that confirm that the Earth is no exception in the galaxy accumulate.

With information from Europa Press

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