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NASA Rover Captures Strange Blue Orb on Mars: Alien Technology or Camera Reflection?

  • Alien technology on Mars?
  • It was photographed by a NASA rover camera

NASA solves a small big mystery. When comparing images from the Perseverance rover, which is exploring Mars, a floating blue ball appeared in one place.

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A strange object scares

The robotic rover, nicknamed Perseverance, managed to capture another mysterious thing on the red planet during its explorations. Many debaters believe that this is some kind of alien technology.

The Perseverance rover, which landed on Mars in 2021, sends a huge number of images of the red planet’s surface to scientists on Earth every day. To be honest, a lot of the photos just show rocks and dust, but some of the photos do occasionally feature the odd find.

People from all over the world keep coming up with evidence that there was an advanced civilization on the red planet. And now we have new proof. What has been found now is supposed to represent an extraterrestrial artifact.

Source: NASA

Aliens on Mars

However, the reality is much less interesting. Unfortunately. “This is almost certainly a reflection of the light inside the camera,” said Associate Professor Grant Kennedy of the University of Warwick.

“According to the shadows on the rock, the Sun is somewhere in front of the rover (above it and slightly to the left), so it’s likely that the light is shining directly on or into the lens. It certainly looks like an internal reflection in the camera, specifically a diffraction artifact that results in the anomaly we see here.”

Speaking of strange finds, last year the Perseverance rover on Mars snapped a picture of something that looked distantly like donut. The image of the object in question was taken using the SuperCam remote micro camera located on top of the rover’s arm (the so-called “eye”).

However, speculation that it was a remnant of an extraterrestrial civilization was quickly put to rest by NASA. National Aeronautics and Space Administration officials tweeted: “The rock could be a large meteorite. Conspiracy theories about little green men with tentacles are over.”

She then caused a much bigger uproar photo object that looks like the entrance to a cave, with many people immediately starting to believe that it leads to an alien hideout or perhaps a portal to another dimension.

Preview photo source: NASA, source: Metro

2024-01-19 11:45:39
#Aliens #Mars #NASA #photographed #incredible

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