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NASA publishes a rare image of the “double star system” captured by the James Webb Space Telescope | HYPEBEAST

following the previous oneNeptuneBackwards,NASA Today it was again released byWebb space telescopeThe captured image of Wolf-Raylet 140, which officials say may be one of NASA’s most unique snapshots, shows more than 17 dust rings around Wolf-Raylet 140, which for the average person can be seen as a camera. The effect of glare or extreme brightness, but the research team confirmed from the data that the more than ten rings of dust are generated by the stellar winds of two stars orbiting each other and the scientists found that the rings of dust are produced every 8 years, just like The Tree Ring Pattern, which represents the effect of this interaction for more than 130 years.

“Although they resemble rings in the image, true 3D geometry with these semicircular features is best described as a ‘shell’,” said Ryan Lau, principal investigator of the stargazing project. Dust shells form when stars reach where they are. orbits closest to each other and stellar winds interact. The uniform spacing between the shells suggests that the formation is fairly constant, occurring every 8 years. Counting them as annual rings shows that the dust crust formed over 130 years. “

Ryan Lau specifically pointed out that the survival of these dust shells shows that dust formed by WR binary stars such as WR 140 has a chance to survive and enrich the surrounding interstellar environment. Next, the team will work on analyzing the relevant spectral and chemical characteristics. To understand the specific impact of these powders on the interstellar, interested readers may want to pay more attention.

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