Home » today » Technology » NASA plans to launch a rocket to the Moon in early 2022; understand

NASA plans to launch a rocket to the Moon in early 2022; understand

This time with no astronauts on board, the NASA to launch new rocket to the moon in February 2022. The information was passed on by space agency officials, who released the two-week expedition beginning February 12, 2022, from the Space Launch System, or SLS, which is NASA’s largest rocket.

Rocket Launch to Moon in 2022

Before launching, however, it will be necessary for tests carried out to be approved. Among them, the dress rehearsal for the launch scheduled for January 2022. In addition to this flight scheduled for February, there are other launches scheduled for March and April, as follows:

  1. Artemis-1, with the objective of testing the vehicle’s safety;
  2. Artemis-2, which aims to take a crew on a journey, similar to the Apollo 8 mission carried out in 1968.

In this way, NASA plans to bring astronauts back to the lunar surface, including a first woman and the first non-white person, in the coming years.

It is worth remembering that no other human has been able to visit the Moon since Apollo 17 in 1972. To repeat this feat, NASA needs a rocket similar to the Saturn V, which was the transport used at the time.

SLS flights cost approximately $2 billion per release. In addition, NASA has already invested about $10 billion in the rocket and another $16 billion in the Orion capsule.

The year 2022 could be a period of variety in spaceflights to the Moon. In addition to sending Artemis-1, NASA can send a small satellite to orbit the Moon and a pair of probes to transport electrical charges to the surface.

In addition, countries China, Russia, India and South Korea have already announced plans to carry out lunar orbits or landings for the year 2022.

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