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NASA is deciphering the mystery of the “mysterious object” orbiting the Earth

Hawaiian telescope According to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of"NASA" In Pasadena California, That the mysterious object is a 54-year-old missile, after it was classified after its discovery last September as an asteroid.

The chief asteroid expert suspected the "NASA" Paul Chodas, that the body is a stage of a missile "Will develop", Which is used as an upper stage in launch vehicles "سرفايفور 2", Which was used on a failed mission to land on a roof the moon 1966 year.

And Chodas’ theory was proven correct after a team led by Vishnu Reddy from the University of Arizona used an infrared telescope in Hawaii, not only to observe the UFO, but because a missile from 1971 was still orbiting the Earth, and the data taken from the images were identical.

Commenting on the discovery, Chodas said: "Today’s news was very satisfying. We solved this mystery through teamwork"According to the Associated Press.

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It entered the body officially known as "SO 2020" In a wide and unbalanced orbit around the Earth last month, and Tuesday it reached its closest area around the Earth at a distance of a little more than 50,476 km.

It is scheduled to leave Earth’s orbit in March, returning to its orbit around the sun, and is expected to return again in 2036.


و .كد Hawaiian telescope According to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory ofNASA“In Pasadena California, That the mysterious object is a 54-year-old missile, after it was classified after its discovery last September as an asteroid.

The chief asteroid expert at NASA, Paul Choudas, suspected that the body was one of the stages of the “Centaur” missile, which is used as an upper stage in “Survivor 2” launch vehicles, which was used in a failed mission to land on the surface the moon 1966 year.

And Chodas’ theory was proven correct after a team led by Vishnu Reddy from the University of Arizona used an infrared telescope in Hawaii, not only to observe the UFO, but because a missile from 1971 was still orbiting the Earth, and the data taken from the images were identical.

Commenting on the discovery, Chodas said: “The news of the day was very satisfying. Through teamwork we were able to solve this mystery,” according to the Associated Press.

The object, officially known as “SO 2020”, entered into a wide and unbalanced orbit around the Earth last month, and on Tuesday it reached its closest area around the Earth at a distance of a little more than 50,476 kilometers.

It is scheduled to leave Earth’s orbit in March, returning to its orbit around the sun, and is expected to return again in 2036.

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