Home » today » Technology » NASA for the first time recorded a powerful attack of a black hole on the galaxy and showed it in the photo

NASA for the first time recorded a powerful attack of a black hole on the galaxy and showed it in the photo

A black hole in the heart of the distant galaxy RAD12 detonates a nearby galaxy with a jet of plasma that moves almost at the speed of light. This is the first time a jet flies out of the center of a formation and hits a larger one.

In a new NASA photo, plasma emerges from RAD12 and detonates a nearby galaxy.

TO “Twitter»A corresponding photo was published on 16 October.

Astrophysical jets are composed of ionized gas and electrons and are generally observed in pairs moving in opposite directions at relativistic speeds close to the speed of light. What makes the RAD12 situation unique is the fact that its black hole appears to be directing a single jet towards RAD12-B. The process remains a mystery to scientists.

The system could have implications for how star formation is shut down in galaxies, as astrophysical jets are known to eject the cold gas that forms the building blocks for star birth. Scientists have discovered a rare cluster that helps us understand the feedback of radio emissions from supermassive black holes to the star formation of galaxies during a merger.

The strange, lopsided nature of the RAD12 jet was first observed in 2013 and was detected in both optical data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and radio data from the Very Large Array FIRST survey. The galaxy’s strange behavior was later confirmed by follow-up observations by Hota and colleagues using the giant Merewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) in India and the MeerKAT radio telescope with 64 antennas in Meerkat National Park in South Africa.

While the conical flow of young and fresh plasma can be seen as it is ejected from the heart of RAD12 and out beyond the visible stars of the galaxy. Observations collected with GMRT showed that the weaker and older plasma extends beyond this flow.

Previously, Cursor had reported that scientists said so A black hole can float freely in the galaxy.

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