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NASA Detects Giant Sunspots with Naked Eye Visibility, Signaling Peak of Solar Activity Cycle

This extraordinary phenomenon is large enough to be noticed even with the naked eye. These spots, which offer a unique observation opportunity for astronomy enthusiasts, are an indicator of magnetic activity on the dynamic surface of the sun. astronomers, He states that these giant spots contain important clues about solar energy explosions and their effects on space weather. This is an exciting time not only for those who love watching the sky, but also for the scientific community.

NASA’s Scientists studying the sun detected a series of dark spots in the middle of the star. These spots, 92 million from Earth mil It can be seen even from a distance. These dark spots, known as sunspots, appear as tiny specks on the sun’s surface when viewed from here, but they can actually be as large as full-sized planets and have very strong magnetic fields. These spots appear dark because they are much cooler than the parts of the sun around them. The space agency in the United States has stated that if you have good vision and use sunglasses, you can see these spots without requiring magnification. NASA also warned people to never observe the sun directly without the correct solar filters.

Many of the followers new sunspot He stated that they could see his group. Usually these spots last for days or weeks and then disappear. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory tracks this cluster and provides real-time images of the sun. Similar to storm seasons on Earth, the sun experiences a weather pattern that repeats every 11 years. At the beginning and end of this cycle, activity is at its calmest level. However solar activity It increases, reaching a peak in the middle of the cycle, which floods the sun with giant explosions.

Currently, this cycle is approaching its peak and is expected to reach its maximum in mid-2025. That’s why the plasma gushing from the sun and coronal mass ejections plasma – expelled from the sun’s outer atmosphere – is appearing more frequently in the news. Millions of Americans will have the rare chance to see this more turbulent corona with the naked eye for a few minutes during a total solar eclipse on April 8.

2024-02-11 11:15:00
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