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NASA Captures Largest Solar Flare in Years, Affecting Earth’s Communications

NASAThe eruption was captured by the NASA probe

NOS Nieuws•gisteren, 22:21

A NASA telescope has captured the largest solar flare in recent years. This is the largest eruption on the Sun recorded since September 2017. Communications on Earth were also affected.

According to experts from the US space agency, the eruption was on the northwestern part of the sun, which is about 150 million kilometers from Earth. The solar flare was in extreme ultraviolet light recorded by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory space probe, which continuously monitors the sun.

Several pilots noticed yesterday that there were problems with communication, reports the American Space Weather Prediction Center. Experts will continue to monitor the area in which the solar flare occurred in the near future.

Problems with communication

The solar flare measured yesterday was in the class X2.8. In 2003, a solar flare was once recorded that was so powerful that the sensors could not handle it. An X-category solar flare, the highest there is, can have consequences for Earth.

Severe solar flares can lead to problems with radio communications, electricity grids and navigation systems. Solar flares can also be dangerous for space probes, satellites and astronauts.

Solar cycle

The sun is approaching the peak of the so-called ‘solar cycle’, which lasts an average of more than eleven years. The period reaches its peak in 2025. The closer to that peak, the more solar flares there are.

The most powerful solar flares are the most powerful explosions that exist in the solar system. According to NASA, they are “fantastic to see.”

2023-12-15 21:21:33
#NASA #captures #largest #solar #flare #years

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