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“NASA Astronaut Captures Stunning Aurora Pictures from Space”

Fresh aurora pictures from a NASA astronaut are making waves in the space community. International Space Station astronaut Jasmin Moghbeli recently captured stunning images of a flag-like green aurora stretching from the southern regions of the Earth far up into space. The pictures have left many of us green with envy.

During a press conference about science on the ISS, Moghbeli expressed her awe at the beauty of the auroras she witnessed. “The auroras from up here are spectacular,” she said. Describing the green auroras she saw on February 15th, Moghbeli stated that it was one of the highlights of her space mission. She marveled at the sight of “some green, some red that just swept across the surface of the Earth.”

Auroras occur on Earth when the sun emits energetic particles towards our upper atmosphere. Our planet’s protective magnetic field then directs these particles towards the poles, where they interact with our atmosphere and create colorful displays. The ribbon-like auroras captured by Moghbeli are a result of this phenomenon.

The current astronauts aboard the ISS are fortunate to witness particularly spectacular auroras due to the sun nearing its 11-year maximum of solar activity. As the sun releases more flares and coronal mass ejections of particles, Earth experiences heightened auroral activity as well.

Moghbeli expressed her love for these celestial displays, stating, “I love it because every time I look out the window, I’m in awe.” She emphasized that even when passing over the same part of the Earth, there is always something different to marvel at. Whether it’s the varying lights, clouds, seasons, or sun angles, Moghbeli is constantly amazed by the liveliness and beauty of our planet.

For those inspired to capture their own photos of auroras, there are helpful guides available on how to photograph these mesmerizing phenomena. Additionally, there are recommendations for the best cameras and lenses for astrophotography.

The recent aurora pictures taken by NASA astronaut Jasmin Moghbeli serve as a reminder of the breathtaking wonders that exist beyond our atmosphere. These images not only showcase the beauty of Earth’s natural phenomena but also inspire us to appreciate the intricate and ever-changing nature of our planet.


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