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“Napoli risks this sanction”

In recent weeks, even the Naples ended up in the eye of the judiciary for the capital gain investigation; in evidence there is certainly the operation that led Victor Osimhen in the shadow of Vesuvius.

In this regard, he spoke to the microphones of Radio Mars, Mattia Grassanilawyer of the SSC Napoli.

Below are the statements of the Italian lawyer:

Osimhen appeal? “When there is a day of disqualification, the appeal cannot be proposed, except for exchanges of person or clamorous procedural errors. This is not the case with us. Reading the press release of Sports Judge I can only adhere to his position, barring cataclysms or sudden changes ”.

Capital gains question? “The facts are, albeit low in intensity, quite dating back. Since 21 February, the Federal Prosecutor’s Office has communicated to 11 clubs a conclusion of investigations in which numerous more or less cross transactions between football clubs are contained, there is also the acquisition of Osimhen’s sports performances with partial technical compensation of 4 players of Naples, namely Karnezis, Palmieri, Liguori and Manzi. From our point of view due investigation, everything stems from an investigation for Juventus, with the ordinary judiciary still investigating. The Osimhen operation cannot represent a fictitious operation or a fictitious capital gain, there have already been hearings ”.

We will be ready to defend ourselves if the club is deferred but we want to reassure ourselves, the case at Napoli can lead to the maximum risk of a fine.. There were no benefits on the balance sheet, Napoli regularly signed up for the championship. In our opinion, Napoli spent well, according to the Prosecutor’s Office, Osimhen’s value was excessive. Karnezis and the others are real footballers, this is our strength and tranquility. Should it be deemed that the values ​​do not comply with the market – and then they should tell us what the market is like – the consequences would be fines, even limited ones, because there were no benefits on the budget ”.

Naples De Laurentiis (Imago)

“In the market like that of athletes, there cannot be an estimate of value: performance, aptitude for the role, placement in the scheme respond to totally arbitrary and moment-related parameters. The leitmotif of this investigation is always the same: if there are real players and they are not mirror players, we do not see what kind of irregularity Napoli may have committed, in every respect. Also as a representation of balance sheet values. If I evaluate Osimhen 70 million and pay it 50 + 20 of counterpart hours it is worth 100, 110 million, you explain to me where the fictitious capital gain is. They are logics of the moment, also linked to the creativity and bets of a president. Moreover, that of Osimhen is an isolated operation. Napoli took out some money, at most we can say that a player who was worth less paid more ”.

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