ROMA — An investigation, three names that have become a kind of nursery rhyme, and the impression of an exhausting game of goose, in which every time we start again from the start.
Because the FIGC prosecutor has not yet received the documents
What can the Napoli for the investigation of Rome prosecutor’s office on the case Osimhen? The defense of the Azzurri obviously concerns theinvestigation into false accounting. But the issue could have an impact on the sporting front. There federal prosecutor’s office he is still waiting for the documents, after the investigations were closed at the end of January. He also sent a couple of reminders, but from Rome prosecutor’s office they didn’t respond. Evidently a sign that they first wanted to follow up on the request for a hearing Of Lawrence. The papers could soon end up at the federal prosecutor’s office.
Osimhen case: the stages
Why would Napoli risk it? To understand more we have to go back to 2020: Napoli bought from Lille Victor Osimhen, a center forward who then, almost three years later, led him to the conquest of the scudetto. Osimhen is paid 70 million: 50 in cash, another 20 in technical compensation. One is the third goalkeeper Karnezisthe others are three unknown youth players: Manzi, Palmieri e Liguori. Almost a slogan now. Some time later, their names appear in the list of operations with potentially fictitious capital gains that Covisoc, the control company for professional clubs, sends to the federal prosecutor’s office of the Football Federation. Together with those of many players who have passed from or to Juventus.
Osimhen case, De Laurentiis’ defense in three points
by Marco Azzi

When the federal prosecutor opens the investigation, Republic interview Luigi Liguori, one of the boys, who however provides some elements to support the accusation: “We never went to Lille. Not even to sign: they sent the contracts to Naples and we signed in Castel Volturno. Unfortunately I didn’t know everything. They don’t tell you that they wanted to make a capital gain. It makes me angry, it wasn’t an operation done for us, for our future, but for something else.”
Nonetheless, the first sporting investigation ended in a bubble: everyone was acquitted, it was impossible to determine the correct value of a player being transferred on the market. But then the Juve case broke out: on the basis of the papers from a criminal investigation in Turin, the federal prosecutor’s office asked for the trial to be revoked. And Juve is condemned: the system behind those capital gains is revealed. Ten penalty points and exclusion from the cups for one year.
Osimhen case: what Napoli risks
When the federal prosecutor receives the papers from Rome, they will have to understand whether there are new elements inside, unknown at the time of the first investigation, which could allow them to request revocation. Because Napoli has already been judged and acquitted on the subject. However, if the Rome prosecutor’s office – which has the reports of the children who were the subject of the capital gain – were to send new elements, a new proceeding cannot be ruled out. Which could lead on paper to many or even one penalty in the standings.
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– 2024-04-05 18:12:55