The market Naples survived it Manna who is in London to close some incoming operations to please Antonio Conte.
Napoli transfer market in London: Manna program
It is one of the goals Gilmorfor which Manna is pushing to convince Brighton to accept the latest offer (with Napoli’s strong will and agreement with the player).

in terms of Lucaswe are waiting for Chelsea to definitively open up to the 30 million offered by Naples, after the positive signs on Wednesday 14 August (click here to read the details).

At the same time, Naples also stopped him Nereswaiting for a decision on whether to bring him immediately (in case of further slowdown for Lukaku) or once Osimhen is sold.

Finally in London, Manna recalled Manchester United’s requests for McTominay and the Scottish midfielder’s desire. For the operation to be successful, however, 30 million is needed, which would come from the sale of Osimhen (if Conte does not consider his purchase a priority).

All joints that can be blocked soon, with Manna always working in London. It remains to be seen what the first contract will be.
2024-08-15 09:47:39
#Napoli #Manna #working #London #point #Gilmour #Lukaku #Neres #McTominay