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Napoli-Juve, the banner at the stadium triggers the indignation of the fans

You never miss anything Napoli-Juventus. The story tells it, but if there are many beautiful memories of exciting challenges and feats on the pitch, just as many are the episodes to forget, the poisons, the boorish provocations, the offenses and the controversies. Today we play at 18 in Fuorigrotta but also this eve was characterized by an unpleasant outline: first the suspicions for the verdict in favor of Osimhen, who was removed one day of disqualification, then the grumbles for Insigne who returned early from the national team, now an offensive banner displayed by the Napoli ultras outside the stadium is poisoning the challenge Maradona.

The banner of the Neapolitans outrages everyone

A white banner with blue writing was displayed under the curve that reads: “The worst virus it’s called Juventus “…”. The photo went around the web, sparking controversy via social media: “It’s just folkore, of course … these are them … these are those of territorial discrimination those who are scandalized if you mention Vesuvius, they are those of Chiagni and fuck” or even: ” Teasing him in football and sporting terms are fine, but not beyond that. From any supporters “or:” I have read all the colors, (although you do not have any) you are complaining about your absences, you are indignant for the banner displayed outside the stadium, but weren’t you the clearly superior ones? And you are not the ones who sing Vesuvio wash them with fire?”

There are those who write: “I still read diatribes, offenses, polemics on both sides. It’s a match. It’s a sport, we fans don’t make money. There are other real problems in life. Let’s start living football for what it is: entertainment. Perhaps in this way everything could be cleaner “and again:” I do not understand why we should be offended with rather vile and disgusting adjectives, there are many forms of teasing but you are used to offending … W healthy cheering does not offend “and then:” It’s true: typhus unites, violence divides and makes men live badly. The bell tower is really a disease that does not make you see beyond your nose. Napoli- Juve is never good advertising for football lovers ”. Many Napoli fans also distance themselves: “Why don’t we just think about cheering on our team? To consider the other opponents and not “rivals”? It is not insulting the opponent who supports himself. We waste energy insulting ourselves by losing sight of the objective “

SPORTS 11-09-2021 08:58

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