On the notes of O’ Surdato ‘nnamurato the party to celebrate Napoli as champion of Italy at the Maradona stadium ended. After the greeting of the president Aurelio De Laurentiis and the parade of the team, and of the coach Luciano Spalletti (“It’s really true that this is the city of miracles, if you’ve managed to make me win a Scudetto too, then it means that everything is possible”, his words addressed to the public), a play of lights and fireworks on the notes of We are the Champions and a new round of the Azzurri’s field. Among the guests of the evening the rappers Clementino and Geolier, Edoardo Bennato and the grand finale with Liberato the mysterious Neapolitan singer, who dedicates a piano and voice performance to his city team.
Naples-Fiorentina 1-0 The record It is an apotheosis at the Maradona stadium where Napoli sealed the Scudetto already conquered with the 1-0 victory over Fiorentina. Flags in the wind, chants, tears, applause, explosion of firecrackers and fireworks everywhere: inside and outside the stadium and throughout the city.
Apotheosis to Maradona for the title conquered (ANSA)
The set is that of the Maradona stadium “full in every order of seats”, as the radio commentators of the past liked to say. The audience, over 50 thousand people, is that of the great premieres and the film, a blockbuster with an epic plot, is all to be enjoyed. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s from the announced ending. The appointment with Naples, champion of Italy for the first time in front of its cheering audience, is worthy of a premiere in Cannes or a Hollywood catwalk. Only the director is missing, indeed no, because on the sidelines, with a blue scarf around his neck, directing the actors and workers, there is an Oscar winner like Paolo Sorrentino: “If this scudetto happened it is because Maradona explained to us how to do it and we we did it,” he said, addressing the 50,000 at the post-match party. It had been Sorrentino himself, since the morning, who had made an appointment with the fans at the stadium, greeting and shaking the hands of those who had approached him on the set of his next work in progress between the San Carlo theater and the Galleria Umberto, in the heart of Naples . Gray jacket, Napoli cap, the author of “The Great Beauty” and “It was the hand of God” is shooting something on which the deepest of mysteries exists. Certainly the festively decorated streets of Naples will find a place in an upcoming project by the filmmaker, which the patron of Naples De Laurentiis has spoken about in recent days.

ANSA Agency
Oscar-winning party for title of Napoli (ANSA)
The party at the stadium is a real Oscar show and the endless one in the city starts from the early hours of the day in the streets invaded by tourists, many wearing a Napoli t-shirt or flag, while fireworks, choirs and trumpets are the background to the vision of the race on the screens set up in the bars or in the secular temple of Largo Maradona, in the Spanish Quarters. But it is during the team’s warm-up that the party comes alive: signs with the names of the players are displayed at the edge of the field, each held high by a large flying ball. The choreography of the curves is colourful: the entire curve A is covered in a tricolor with a huge 3 in the centre, while curve B is a triumph of white and blue. In curve A a banner is unfurled: “A people born under a blue sky and by the sea has the right to dream, thank you for giving us and those who no longer have another date to remember”, while the curve B replied with: “And now Naples enjoy your inimitable party”.
Goals: in the st 28′ Osimhen (rig) (ANSA)
The support is unceasing: people dance and sing in the stands of Maradona, in a riot of flags. When reading the formations, the names of the protagonists are greeted by real roars. Osimhen and Kvarastskhelia fill up on decibels. The match is relatively interesting: Spalletti gives space to those who have played less throughout the year by shuffling the cards and Napoli controls but doesn’t sink against an orderly Fiorentina that gives nothing away. Osimhen misses a penalty kick, but in the 73rd minute he has a second chance that doesn’t fail. The stadium goes crazy, Maradona explodes in a huge roar. It ends 1-0, but in the end it counts for little. Kick off the party in the stadium, but also outside, where three days after winning the title they never stopped. Thousands – those who did not find a place in the stands – remained outside the Maradona to experience the emotions of the 90 minutes in close contact with their favorites. At the final triple whistle from the referee Marchetti of Ostia, the team begins an interminable round of the field waving the blue shirts and a gigantic tricolor, amidst blue smoke bombs and fireworks, while Tommaso, the historic warehouse keeper of the blue club, in the center of the field flaunts the substitution board fixed on number 3, that of the championships won by the Azzurri. The club president Aurelio De Laurentiis is also shown on the giant screen of the stadium, who is moved by the party that will go on inside the stadium until late in the evening for the players, their families, VIPs and authorities. But also in the squares and alleys of the city, ready to repeat last Thursday’s celebrations. For another long night of blue ecstasy.
2023-05-08 12:35:00
#Triumph #Naples #party #Maradona #Oscarworthy #Sport