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Naoki Yoshida Considers Dropping Final Fantasy Serial Numbers and More Gaming News

Source: Game Research Institute

Naoki Yoshida Says He’s Considering Dropping Final Fantasy Serial Numbers

Regarding the long-standing “Final Fantasy” series, there is one thing that has always puzzled players: that is, what is the significance of the serial numbers behind the titles of each generation of games in this series.

The world view of each generation of “Final Fantasy” is different, and some even have very different game types. Veteran players who are familiar with SE have long since given up their entanglement with the order of numbers, and you can play whatever you want.

However, this is a bit of a headache for players who have entered the pit, and Naoki Yoshida, the person in charge of the “Final Fantasy” series, expressed his understanding. In a recent interview with GQ, he said:Players often see it as a comic book, as if they have to read it from the beginning to understand it deeply”But this is obviously not good for the marketing of the series of games. Now the title serial number of the “Final Fantasy” series itself has increased the threshold for new players to enter the pit.“Marketing has to make sure players don’t have to know every game in the series”Yoshida said.

For this point, you can refer to the recent popular “Tears of the Kingdom”, and perhaps “The Legend of Zelda” without a serial number, which can reduce the psychological burden for new players to get started. Yoshida Naoki said that he has already fed back the question about the serial number to the SE executives, and perhaps there will be an answer in the near future.

The “Asian Games Journey” e-sports event officially announced its launch and will be held in Macau

This afternoon, Tencent e-sports official Weibo officially announced the launch of the “ROAD TO ASIAN GAMES” e-sports event. In the pilot video, Huo Qigang, chairman of AESF Asian Electronic Sports Federation, appeared in person and introduced the event to netizens in front of the camera.

The event was co-sponsored by the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) and the Asian Electronic Sports Federation (AESF), and landed in Macau on June 15 this year. Teams from 29 countries and regions in the 5 major regions of Asia will participate in the confrontation, focusing on “League of Legends”, “Peace Elite Asian Games Edition”, “King of Glory Asian Games Edition”, “DOTA 2”, “Dream Three Kingdoms 2”, “Street Fighter V” ” FIFA Online 4″ competes in these 7 events, and the final result will determine the main competition grouping of the Asian Games e-sports events.

The copyright dispute between “The Shore of the Land” and “Three Kingdoms: Strategic Edition” was pronounced,

The court awarded 50 million in the first trial

Today, NetEase’s “Sutu Zhibin” Weibo announced that the court ruled that “Three Kingdoms: Strategic Edition” constituted a copyright infringement of “Shetu Zhibin”, and ordered the other party to pay compensation within ten days from the date when this judgment became legally effective. 50 million yuan.

A few minutes later, the official blog of “Three Kingdoms: Strategy Edition” issued another announcement to respond to this matter. Its announcement revealed some other details, such as Netease’s request for suspension of operation was rejected by the court, and the party of “Three Kingdoms: Strategy Edition” did not recognize the content of the above judgment and was planning to file an appeal.

There have been legal disputes between “Litu” and “Three Wars”, both of which belong to the SLG of the Three Kingdoms theme, and familiar netizens have long been familiar with this. In 2020, the official blog of “Litu” personally posted a video to testify against the “reference” of “Three Wars”, which once caused a “full city”. However, this time the amount of compensation in the first instance was as high as 50 million, which is really eye-catching. But whoever wants the final result will have to wait for the outcome of the appeal.

Players discover Bloodborne PC version may have been around for years

Rumors of the existence of the PC version of “Bloodborne Curse” have been circulating in the industry for many years, and recently netizens have found evidence of its existence.

Lance McDonald, the famous “Uncle Party” of the Soul series, revealed on his Twitter that he noticed that there was a screenshot on the Bloodborne Fandom wiki that had existed for many years, and the “brilliant point” in it was only recently discovered because of the file name.

The filename of the screenshot shows that this is a picture taken with a debug camera under the Windows 64 version of the game, and this wiki image was uploaded by a From Software employee. It is not difficult to guess that the original FS official has a PC version of the game, and the content of the screenshot is the fishing village map in the DLC. Considering this, many people think that this is the full version of the game body + DLC.

But soon, Lance McDonald poured cold water on everyone again-he revealed that he had seen a super early version of “Blood Source Curse” running on Windows 7 as early as 2014, even now that he has learned about the game with DLC. The PC version exists, and he still said “However, it is unlikely that we will get it…”, the implication is that players should not have too much hope that this version will be leaked.

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