In Nantes, clearings are forecast for this day. It will be 3°C on average. The people of Nantes will be cold in the morning: temperatures will not exceed 4°C. Winter has definitely set in since the values will range from 1 to 4°C. A light northeast breeze will be felt by residents. The people of Nantes will be cold in the afternoon: temperatures will not exceed 5°C. The values will be between 3 and 5°C, definitely seasonal weather. In the evening, the sun may be hidden by clouds. The maximums will reach 4°C while the minimums will be 3°C: seasonal weather. The transition from Sunday to Monday will take place under slightly cloudy skies.
The people of Nantes will be cold tomorrow: temperatures will not exceed 6°C. The thermometer will display 3°C on average in Nantes. A northeast wind will cool the atmosphere a little. There will be fog in the morning. Temperatures will be around 4°C. There will be splendid sunshine tomorrow afternoon. It will be cold with values showing between 2 and 6°C. The city will have some clearing tomorrow evening. Winter will be here as the temperatures will still be -1°C at minimum and 1°C at the highest.
The weather over the following days will gradually change. Even if the good weather will persist somewhat on Tuesday, we must expect a deterioration afterwards.
2024-01-14 01:37:42
#Weather #forecast #Sunday #January #Nantes