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Nantes Rental Property Investment | My Immo Hunter

Nantes analysis by our expert hunters

Nantes is a city whose appeal does not weaken

Nantes is one of the top 10 most populous municipalities in France, ranking sixth: it counts more than 283,000 inhabitants and its agglomeration almost reaches 600 000. Located on the Estuaries motorway which connects Belgium to Spain, Nantes is one of the emblematic cities of western France, with Bordeaux to which it is linked by train as well as by road.

It is also a stopover town appreciated by holidaymakers brought to go to Vendée or Brittany. In real estate, today it attracts a large number of young households eager to settle in a metropolis on a human scale and which offers possibilities for weekend getaways.

Nantes is a city of water par excellence

Nantes is very well connected to all the towns of the west facade : Angers, Tours, but also Poitiers, Limoges, Bordeaux or even Rennes, Quimper, Brest and Caen. It is crossed by the Loire and its quays are very popular with the inhabitants of the city.

But above all she is found a stone’s throw from the Atlantic Ocean : it takes 45 minutes to reach Pornic by car, and a little less than 1h30 to reach Noirmoutier.

Nantes is a city of art and history where life is good

Historic town of the Dukes of Brittany, Nantes is full of monuments and its architecture is the reflection of the different eras crossed by the city. Several museums thus attract thousands of tourists each year, in particular the history museum, located within the castle of the Dukes of Brittany and which traces the history of the city.

The Fine Arts Museum or the Jules Vernes Museum are two other highly recognized cultural institutions. Every weekend, the Machines de l’île also attract young and old, especially around the large metal elephant which walks among the curious. Finally, the city offers its inhabitants many cultural spaces: libraries, theaters, cinemas, conservatory, etc.

Nantes enjoys a stable and dynamic economic fabric

Associated for several years with the agglomeration of Saint-Nazaire which has one of the largest ports in France, Nantes is now part of the “Metropolis of the French West”, an entity that generates many jobs through sectors as varied as mechanics, new technologies, the port industry, shipbuilding, tourism, health, etc.

Nantes is thus the outer port of Saint-Nazaire on the Loire estuary, but it mainly occupies the number one in agribusiness nationally, and second in finance regionally.

Target the ideal neighborhood with a Nantes property hunter


Nantes city center knows a new dynamism thanks to several ongoing projects, while keeping its authenticity which appeals so much to locals who come to walk there or enjoy the many bars and restaurants. The district is also very close to the train station.

Getting into a rental investment in this district is a very attractive option: in this district of Nantes, rental demand is very strong, which will allow you to quickly enjoy a rental yield.

City of Congresses

The Cité des Congrès district adjoins the city center, making it a neighborhood in high demand. It is also served by many transport. In this district, there are many shops and office buildings: during the day, this district swarms.

Investing in a rental property in the Cité des Congrès district represents a risk-free investment : rental demand is high and you will have no trouble finding tenants, especially young workers.

Saint Jacques

Located near the Loire which borders it to the north, the Saint-Jacques district is popular with older families or households who are looking for accommodation in a quiet area. It is surrounded by green spaces and has all the local shops.

In this district, there are more opportunities to buy real estate than in the center: by making a rental investment, you are betting on a booming neighborhood and there is no doubt that your property will increase in value over the decade.

Quai de Versailles

This corner which is part of the Hauts Pavés – Saint-Pasquier – Saint Felix district is also in great demand by families since it is close to all amenities and has many schools while remaining peaceful.

This area is ideal for a rental investment in order to offer medium-term or even long-term rentals.


A young district, served by the tram, Bourgeonnière is a small neighborhood full of charm north of Nantes, which has a large number of apartments and where tenants are in the majority: they are mainly young executives.

Making a rental investment in Bourgeonnière is an interesting and profitable option if you want to rent your property quickly, in particular via a colocation arrangement.

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