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Nantes Implements Compulsory Composting with 1000 Bio-Waste Collection Bins Set Up- 2024 Update

Perhaps you have noticed these new orange and white bins growing on the sidewalks of Nantes since October 2023. They are food waste bins. In fact, composting has become compulsory since January 1, 2024. Nantes Métropole is gradually deploying collection points to encourage these new sorting actions. The potential compost deposit in Nantes is estimated at 14,000 tonnes per year, 29,000 tonnes for the entire metropolis.

A Nantes, a thousand bio-waste collection bins have already been set up in public space. Half of the city’s neighborhoods have been filled. The objective is to install 2,000 to 2,500 in all neighborhoods – excluding the city center – by April. A deployment started in 2019 with an experiment with 25,000 residents of the northern districts of Nantes. Since then, four tonnes of compost per week have been harvested, with the compost then redistributed to local farmers.

Compost buckets distributed

The community also distributes individual compost buckets. Zero waste ambassadors come to your home. At the moment, they are in the Nantes-Sud district. Concretely, they knock on the door, they give you the compost bucket, remind you of the sorting actions you need to know. And then, they tell you about collective composters, possible financial aid for purchasing composters, or even new voluntary drop-off points near you.”, specifies Mahel Coppey, vice-president of Nantes Métropole in charge of waste. Those who are not at home during this visit can always collect their bucket from the attached town hall in their neighborhood.

A compost bucket is distributed by Nantes Métropole. © Radio France – Leïla Méchaouri

Implementation for all at the end of 2025

For the moment, half of the districts of Nantes have been provided with organic waste collection bins. For the city center of Nantes, the town hall hopes for deployment during 2025, because it is more complicated than in the rest of the city: more populated, little space on public roads and in condominiums, and strict rules linked to heritage. Constraints experienced by other cities such as Lyon, Bordeaux, Strasbourg, on which Nantes intends to take an example.

As for other cities in the metropolis, here again the installation of orange and white bins is not happening right away. Nantes Métropole is also aiming for 2025. Until then, she studies situations on a case-by-case basis to find the most suitable solutions for the inhabitants of these municipalities.

Nantes Métropole hopes to deploy all of its bio-waste collection bins by the end of 2025. © Radio France – Leïla Méchaouri

Financial assistance

The community also recalls that support is possible to implement shared composting. There are already nearly 400 bins of this type for condominiums, subdivisions or groups of neighbors. Nantes Métropole also reimburses 30 euros for the purchase of an individual composter. 22,000 households have already benefited from this aid.

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2024-01-09 02:01:45
#Nantes #compost #bins #gradually #installed #city #France #Bleu

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