MINNE Aymeric-HBC Nantes
For this Friday evening, four meetings were on the program. Defeated last year in Toulouse, the people of Nantes will have worked hard to take their revenge. In the other matches, Chambéry was scared, Saint-Raphaël won the gong and Chartres ensured.
Nantes too strong for Toulouse
Deprived of their captain and center half Maxime Gilbert (victim of a ruptured cruciate ligament facing Creteil), the Toulouse residents therefore had a lot to do, facing the Nantes residents who were revengeful from last year. The Nantes defense quickly posed problems, recovering numerous balls from counter-attacks. Theo Monar is highly sought after by his teammates, quickly finding himself with three goals on the clock (3-6, 10′).
Quickly behind in the score, the FENIX will have recourse to his game seven against six, with the association Pettersson – Nyembo. Already in tough times, the locals go to see their defender Bakary Diallo be definitively excluded, after a tie on Thibaut Briet (7-10, 19′). Both teams defended hard as it started to rain within two minutes on both sides of the field. Toulouse struggles to find offensive solutions, often losing precious balls, giving H the opportunity to widen the gap a little further (11-15, 30′).
Returning from the locker room, the visitors quickly scored three goals from seven meters. Physically, the two formations are starting to be borrowed, defensive and offensive errors are increasing (17-24, 45′). With the gap now at eight goals, Toulouse will not be able to return to the match and will not repeat last year’s feat (24-34, score final).
Vanja Ilic (Chartres Metropole Handball)
Chartres, Saint-Raphaël, Chambéry: the locals rule the roost
Quickly ahead in the score, Chartres will not have trembled in the face of the promoted Dijon. The teammates of Milan Bomastar (15 stops) took advantage of the offensive errors of the Dijonnais to quickly move to +4 (8-4, 13′). Never letting go of the score until the break, the gap was large enough not to worry about a return from the evening visitors, despite a nice reduction in the score during the second act (33-27, score final).
Benjamin Richert (Chambery Savoie Mont-Blanc Handball)
First in front and in style, Chambéry saw its gap of seven goals narrow just before the break. Yet quickly leading thanks to a very good Benjamin Richterthe stops of David Bernard will have allowed the reds and blacks to return to -4 at the break (16-12, 30′). Yet led to the break, Ivry will not give up and will lead the revolt during the second act, returning to equality ten minutes from time (25-25, 50′). At a thrilling end to the match, it is indeed the locals who will win by a small length, oh so saving (29-28, score final).
In the race for the score, it was the Bretons who got underway as quickly as possible. Thanks to Matthew Salouthe Cessonnais found themselves at +3 after six minutes of play (2-5, 6′). Maintaining their cruising pace during the first period, the Bretons returned to the locker room with a two-point lead. Nothing was done since Saint-Raphaël regained momentum during the second act, taking control for the first time of the match from the 45th minute (25-24, 45′). Well and truly back in the match, the Varois will hold their short but precious lead and not let it go, achieving a precious success (31-30, score final).
2023-09-22 22:35:39
#LMS #Nantes #rules #Toulouse #Chartres #wins.. #HandNews