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Nanterre: opening of the first vaccination center in Hauts-de-Seine

Posted on Jan 7, 2021, 5:36 PMUpdated Jan 7, 2021, 5:37 PM

The reaction will have been rapid. On January 2, the Minister of Health Olivier Véran announced that all health professionals over 50 could be vaccinated “without delay”. Three days later, on January 5, the first vaccination center against Covid-19 in Hauts-de-Seine opened its doors in Nanterre, at the Reception and Hospital Care Center (CASH).

The center was indeed set up a bit hastily on the premises of the day hospital. It was created at a request from the Regional Health Agency, sent the same day as the Minister of Health announced, while the controversy around the slowness of vaccination began to gain momentum.

Initially, the CASH was organized to begin the vaccination of residents of the EHPAD and the long-term care unit, as well as of its professionals over 50 years of age or presenting risk factors. Then access to the vaccination center was extended to 5,900 health professionals in the northern loop of Hauts-de-Seine, doctors and paramedics working in private or in a health center.

300 vaccinations by the end of the week

Finally, since Wednesday January 6, health auxiliaries and firefighters, over 50 years of age or presenting a vulnerability factor are also concerned, following new announcements by Olivier Véran.

As soon as it opened on Tuesday, January 5, around twenty caregivers came to be injected with a dose of Pfizer BioNTech vaccine and dozens of others made an appointment to follow suit. According to Patrick Jarry, mayor of Nanterre and chairman of the Board of Directors of CASH, 300 vaccinations will have been carried out at the end of this first week in the center of Nanterre.

The opening of this vaccination center “follows on from the initiatives taken by CASH since the start of this crisis”, according to Patrick Jarry. The hospital center has indeed distinguished itself from the start of the epidemic in France, in particular by opening, from March 2020, a unit for the homeless who tested positive for Covid-19.

Incidence rate of 128 in the department

Subsequently, the vaccination center aims to expand its reception to the entire population according to the calendar decreed by the government. Other vaccination centers should also be set up in the rest of Hauts-de-Seine. Another has just opened in the south of the department, at the Béclère de Clamart hospital. A third will be deployed at the Quatre-Villes hospital center in Sèvres, west of Hauts-de-Seine.

For the moment, the Hauts-de-Seine department is not affected by the advancement of the curfew to 6 pm: the incidence rate is 128. However, the government has set the threshold for advancing the curfew. fire at 200 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

In Hauts-de-Seine, an average of 15 new patients are hospitalized each day, including one in intensive care. In all, 100 people are in intensive care in the department, which corresponds to a bed occupancy of 48.3%.

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