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Nancy. The Osmosis company proposed a choreographic vertigo on a bridge draped in gold

Wrapped in gold, the Dusaulx bridge was the scene of a sometimes dizzying choreographic spectacle, in the last lights of the day, on Saturday, in the Trois-Maisons district. The Osmosis company thus celebrated the equinox in the most “brilliant” way in the preamble to the Winter Palace of the MJC.


Today at 12:04 | updated today at 12:11

The sky took on a misty pink, the bridge draped in shining gold. Night hasn’t quite fallen yet, on the banks of the canal, in the Trois-Maisons district, but the decor is set: a Dusaulx bridge, whose verticals are dressed in “fine” gold sails.

A garment of light if ever there was one, which made this building, however modest, suddenly the object of all the attention. And the crowd below does not fail, little by little, to agglomerate.

This Saturday night, we go out. At the Palace. An appointment that has become almost usual now, given by the MJC of the 3 Houses, which transforms its large courtyard into a courtyard of the miracles of conviviality. Banquet, inventive and sparkling scenography, endless table where all the guests are invited to share the quillion without manners, but with forms.

However, for this 4th edition, a hors d’oeuvre was first programmed, a few tens of meters away, on this famous bridge where the meeting was given. This is where, a few days in advance, the Osmosis company proposed to celebrate the spring equinox. A change of cycle, a return of light, the shards of which bounced off the golden edges of the little concrete bridge. Until, in turn, a man and a woman also bounce there.

Finally out of anonymity

The two dancers make the curves of the bridge their track for a moment, braving risk and vertigo, while ethereal music pours over the neighborhood. They run, and draw arabesques with their large golden flags in the very last light of the day. Then descend into the crowd of some 300 to 400 people gathered in the freezing cold that they have all chosen to ignore.

In turn, the dancers drape themselves in gold, and on the walls of some neighboring buildings the video mapping echoes the evolutions of the duo. Night has fallen this time. And it is in the wake of a truck, also golden, that the crowd will soon make its way to the banquet where the Palace table is set. The bridge is deserted again, but for anyone who saw it this evening, its anonymity is now broken.

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