Home » today » Technology » Nancy. Do you know what weighed 24,300 tons and disappeared from the city?

Nancy. Do you know what weighed 24,300 tons and disappeared from the city?

Heavy, really very heavy … There are, in our daily environment, objects that we are used to talking about in kilos. But admit that it is more common to evoke buildings by referring to units of measurement such as the meter or the number of floors. And yet: we know how much the Red Chestnut weighed, this star-shaped building destroyed fifteen or so ago (it was more precisely from January to May 2005) in Haut-du-Lièvre, just next to the Tilleul Argenté and Blue Cedar.

The operation was carried out by the technique known as nibbling. And the engineers in charge of the demolition had estimated the weight of this monster of 15 floors, 45 m high and comprising 249 dwellings. They had reached 24,300 tonnes! Of which 22,000 tonnes of reinforced concrete, the rest being made up of cables, taps, sinks and other doors which the “beast” had first cleared.

The little story does not say how much the building weighed with its inhabitants and their furniture. It’s your turn if you like statistics and probabilities …

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