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Nancy. A collection of €50,000 launched to enable the Museum of Fine Arts to acquire two paintings

Leonardo Coccorante, does that speak to you? Not a lot ? Yet a great Neapolitan artist! The darling of collectors of its time!

Certainly. But very little known here. So no complex, ignorance is legitimate. Especially since in France, very few museums have a work signed by this 18th century painter (1680-1750).

But precisely, the Museum of Fine Arts of Nancy would like to remedy this lack. For pleasure… on a whim. And even two. At a price of €250,000 all the same, which is expensive to satisfy this capricious man from Place Stan…

What it is not!

Impossible architectures

The “whim”, or capriccio, or even “architectural whim”, does not come from the fad of a spoiled child, but rather from an artistic genre very popular at the time. “What we can call a dreamlike and irrational architecture,” explains Susanna Gallego Cuesta, director of the MbaN. Improbable spaces, bizarre ruins in particular, in very strange atmospheres. »

A way for painters to invent worlds, according to a fantasy that their brush tried to follow.

However, Coccorante’s brush was reputed to be very skilful. Which did not escape the museum team. Especially since it is preparing an exhibition devoted to “Impossible Architectures”, scheduled for the fall of 2022.

Make way for fun and fantasy!

Why such a theme? “Because in the Victor Poirel collection, one of our treasures, there are about twenty paintings of this type listed. Collection a bit bizarre in the eyes of our contemporaries, no doubt, but which we intend to enhance better in our next re-hangs. By wanting to put the pleasure and the fantasy forward! »

Rehanging where could therefore appear two new paintings signed by the so-called Coccorante, discovered at a Parisian gallery owner by Sophie Laroche, responsible for the old collections of the museum. Two high paintings (250cmX152) where imaginary ruins are bathed in grazing light. “Emblematic of the art of Coccorante, which shows itself there at the peak of its art”, estimates the specialist.

But the amount requested could have been a deterrent. Even if after negotiation, the price is reported at 185,000 €.

The women of art have therefore taken up their pilgrim’s staff to convince the institutions (including the City, for half the sum). There would nevertheless remain approximately 50,000 € to be found. This is where the Friends of the Museum of Fine Arts come into play, and launch a subscription. “One of the most important since the purchase of a Claude Gellée 15 years ago, recalls Gérard Houis, president of the association. But it is in the DNA of our association and it is indeed a very good opportunity. The call is therefore launched. So this dream fantasy could become the reality of the museum.

Projected view of what could be the hanging of the two paintings by Coccorante, once acquired by the MbaN.  Photo DR

Buy your Coccorante!

The Emmanuel Héré Association of Friends of the Museum of Fine Arts of Nancy officially launches the Coccorante subscription on Saturday, at the MbaN, in favor of the European Night of Museums. It should be remembered that the donation entitles individuals to deduct 66% of the sums paid from taxable income who, from a donation of €500 or more, will be offered a limited edition of a photo of Christian Globensky. Tax benefits also for sponsoring companies, as well as privileged access to museum resources (including the provision of spaces), from €5,000 donated. More information at [email protected], the association’s Facebook page or on 03 83 85 30 74.

Note the conference by Sophie Laroche, assistant curator at the Museum of Fine Arts and Gérard Houis, president of the Emmanuel Héré association, Wednesday May 18 at 6:15 p.m., at the museum (1 rue Gustave Simon).

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