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Nana Calistar’s horoscopes for today, Friday, April 19

On her social networks and on her blog, the astrologer announced the scenario for this day. The day will bring different scenarios for each of the signs of the Zodiac and everyone will have to face different demands and challenges. Below, Nana Calistar’s horoscopes for Friday, April 19.


You have to work hard for your dreams if you want them to come true, don’t lose confidence. Do not allow yourself to be manipulated by your family, you are the only ones responsible for your decisions. Do not give your heart to just anyone, remember that love is not a game and that it is reciprocal, if not, look for other opportunities.


They are people who forgive, but do not forget, they like the good life and will look for ways to get it. Someone close to you will be speaking badly about you behind your back. A love from the past will return to their lives and confuse them. If they want to achieve their goals, they will have to work for them. Whoever really wants them must make an effort to prove it to them.


They have to organize well if they do not want to suffer the consequences later. They could start a relationship full of love and attraction. If you haven’t found love, don’t despair, you don’t need a partner to be happy, take the opportunity to have fun. They have to be better people and change those defects that they know they have. They will have new dreams and will begin to feel love for someone.


Do not pretend to be something you are not, you have to realize who is truly worth it and accepts you as you are, whoever does not look for you does not deserve explanations. Take care of your health, you could get a throat infection. They must trust that they have the ability to achieve their dreams. Don’t pretend to love, the relationships that are worth it are the passionate ones that leave you speechless.


Someone will walk out of your life, they will realize you were lying to them and they will feel disappointed. At work they will go through moments of stress that could affect their health, they need to work harder to get out of the problem. They will hear gossip about betrayals. They will have the possibility of improving their economy, they could start a business. Don’t take everything so seriously, you could misinterpret what you see and hear.


They have been changing in recent months and their bad mood is affecting the people around them, but it is understandable due to past hurts. They have to value themselves more and not expect anything from others.

You might feel sad because you have been disappointed, you have to be patient, soon you will meet someone who will be worth it. You should be more selfish and think about yourself first, stay away from everything that affects you.


They are at a stage in which they will feel relaxed, they have learned that everything happens for a reason and not to make the same mistakes. An old love will be bothering you in the coming days.

You will want to make changes to be better people, but for the benefit of yourself and not others. They could feel jealous of someone who is not theirs at all, it will be the sign that their feelings are changing. Go after your goals and work hard.


In love, you are ready to start a relationship, give yourself the opportunity to open your heart without fear. You could spend a night of passion this weekend, don’t give in too quickly, give it time.

If you have any problem, approach your family for advice. Pay attention to your finances, you could forget to pay your debts. A white-skinned person is going to approach you, be careful, he does not have good intentions. Don’t let anyone affect you, seek your inner peace.

Nana Calistar’s horoscope for today.

Photo: Nana Calistar/Facebook



If you are in a relationship and your partner has moved away, pay attention, perhaps someone is coming between you. Do not give importance to negative comments, they come from people who only seek to affect you. They will find out about the breakup of a relationship or the pregnancy of a friend.


They will meet a person with whom they will form a good friendship and have great moments. You have to learn to value those who have always been by your side, express to them how much you love them.

Be careful with gossip from your family, don’t give it importance, worry about your happiness, you can’t always keep others happy.


You will miss a person who is no longer physically by your side, don’t worry, he is fine and protects you. If you are in a relationship, you have to pay more attention to your partner and forget about past mistakes.

Someone close will start to feel love for you, you will realize it and you could start a good relationship if you both make an effort. Be careful who you tell your plans to, bad energy could affect them.


A friend will share gossip about others. Forget about the past, if you made a mistake, you have already paid for it, it is time for you to focus on the present, you have the strength to become better people. Do not get involved in problems that do not correspond to you, nor get involved where you are not called.

Do not try to pretend to be something you are not to try to convince others, you will only end up hurt. It is not the best time to carry out procedures. Someone from your past will want to come back into your life to try to solve the problems.

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