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Namibia, a politician named Adolf Hitler elected, fights against apartheid

The 54-year-old man has won a seat on the Ompundja district council in the Oshana region. Interviewed by the media, he justified this decidedly unusual name by claiming that his father did not know the German dictator and jokingly added that he did not have expansionist aims of global domination

A man named Adolf Hitler was elected district councilor in Namibia. The German reported the news image. The 54-year-old, after joking about it, got serious again by declaring he had nothing to do with Nazi ideology and pointing out how hard it was to make his way under such a heavy name.

From the fight against apartheid to the elections

According to Bild reports, Adolf Hitler Uunona was elected to the district council of Ompundja, in the Oshana region, receiving 85% of the preferences of those entitled. The man spent his entire political career in the fight against apartheid by supporting the majority party in government of Namibia, the SWAPO (South-West African People’s Organization), which has led the country since the independence obtained by South Africa in 1990.

Nothing to do with Nazi ideology

“My father – Uunona declared – called me after this man, probably not knowing what Adolf Hitler represented”. The Namibian politician explained what it was like to live with this name throughout his life. “As a child I saw him as a completely normal name – reports Bild – Only as a teenager did I understand that this man wanted to conquer the whole world”. Uunona jokingly added that he had no expansionist aims. Then, getting serious, he stressed that he had nothing to do with Nazi ideology.

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