Home » today » Business » Names, names and names | Small banks 2 years of losses, in 2022 limited credit and higher profitability rates – El Sol de México

Names, names and names | Small banks 2 years of losses, in 2022 limited credit and higher profitability rates – El Sol de México

Although 2021 was complicated for banks, its profitability regained its shine with an increase of 65% for the entire system.

Of course, the highly favorable behavior in the profits of some leading players such as BBVA de Eduardo Osuna which grew 66.5%, Banamex from Manuel Romo 201%, Banorte de Mark Ramirez 28%, Scotiabank of Adrian Otero 211%, Inbursa of Carlos Slim 103%. HSBC gave up 2020 losses, while Santander had a lower result.

The banks’ performance occurred despite the fact that assets fell 7.8%, the credit portfolio 2.0% and deposits 2.8%.

Go commercial credit was adjusted 3.3%, business 4.2% and consumption 2.4%, with components such as cards that fell 2.8%, and personal 5.3%.

Some small banks continue to struggle with losses for the second year in a row. autofinish case Juan Antonio Hernandez which added 158 million pesos, ABC Capital that was Mario Laborin 680 million pesos, where Ramon Riva 46 million pesos, PayAll of Alexander Coronado 124 million pesos and Finterra, which acquired Credijusto from Allan Apoj and David Poritz 214 million pesos.

This 2022 will not be easy. We could still see some consolidations of smaller institutions and it is believed that financing will continue to be limited. Better that of consumption than that of companies, which will continue to be limited by the low level of investment.

Yesterday’s S&P leading Maria Del Consuelo Perez released a document evaluating the banking scenario in Latin America for the first quarter. For Mexico, he sees a stable risk trend, but the uncertainty in business will limit progress.

Asset quality will stabilize, strong capitalization will prevail. Profitability, despite everything, will be favored by the rise in rates, especially since there is a high participation of credit at a variable rate and those with fixed rates are mostly short-term. There will still be a drop in the level of provisioning.

So, despite the dark omens and some victims, the banking sector should have a more relaxed 2022, although with a narrow market, especially the mistrust that prevails.


The American Monterra Energy, which he runs Arturo Vivar It will not be the only one suing the Mexican government for the arbitrary cancellation of its storage terminal in Tuxpan. On the same path we will soon see IEnova from Carlos Ruiz Sacristan to whom the CRE also canceled another unit in Puebla in alliance with Valero and also to US firms, Windstar LPG, which has Diana Navarrete and Bulkmatic of Chris Kravas with the same problem in Sonora. So cascading actions.


Yesterday she was re-elected for one more period at the head of the food, beverage and tobacco sector of Canacintra, Marcela Martinez Pichardo. Time of renewal of business leadership. This area is very relevant and firms such as Bimbo, Nestlé, Modelo, Coca Cola, Pepsico participate in this group. Many regulations, but also market opportunities.


Especially since the rise in rates poses an enormous challenge for stock market investments, the latest AMIB survey that he chairs Alvaro Garcia Pimentel and what is he wearing Efren del Rosal ratified the forecast for the IPC of the BMV at the end of the year at 57,040 points. This represents a growth of 7.7% vs. 2021. 18 brokerage firms participate. In addition, 45.2% of the participants in a survey conducted were willing to invest in the stock market vs. 27.3% neutral and another 27.3% reluctant.

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