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Named a quite severe issue of the Russian army in Ukraine – UNIAN

Opponents simply cannot capitalize on previous successes all over Bakhmut and Avdiivka, analysts pointed out.

The Russian army in Ukraine has a incredibly critical dilemma: in the east of our place, it are not able to rework tactical successes into operational successes.

Occupation troopsit will most likely under no circumstances be capable to allocate enough means to any offensive operation to restore the momentum desired for important territorial gains that will guide to operational successes, He suggests in a report from the American Institute for the Analyze of War (ISW).

The failure of Russian troops to capitalize on previous successes in the Bakhmut and Avdiivka place is an illustration of a far more essential Russian armed service trouble: a demonstrated failure to remodel tactical successes into operational successes.

In eastern Ukraine, enemies cannot turn tactical successes into operational successes, analysts noted / photos Understandingwar.org

Analysts pointed out that the occupiers have continually failed to exploit tactical breakthroughs to maneuver in the rear of the Ukrainian forces or wipe out major sections of our troops’ defensive lines, so they constantly give Ukraine’s defenders the prospect for tactical retreat and restoration. of defended positions, in opposition to which they have to then launch new attacks. .

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