Since the young man did not respond to the blackmail and refused to pay the money, the nude photos were released to his contacts. − Photo: Christoph Dernbach/dpa
A young man from Cham has been blackmailed after sharing nude photos on a social network, police say. Since the person concerned refused to pay, the photos of him were published.
The 18-year-old chatted with an unknown woman on Instagram. She persuaded him to send her nude photos via Snapchat. The stranger then asked him to transfer 300 US dollars.
Published nude photos
Since the young man did not respond to the blackmail and refused to pay the money, the nude photos were released to his contacts. “In such cases, the blackmailers often have the opportunity to hack into the social media profiles of those affected and post the nude photos there, or send them to contacts in the chats,” explains a police spokesman.
− ajk