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Naked on Instagram: Reality girl Josimelonie has an important appointment

Reality girl Josimelonie (Take Me Out) showed herself naked on Instagram on Saturday morning: The 27-year-old is looking forward to a special event.

Mainz – Nude pictures on Instagram are known to be banned, but some celebrities sometimes go to the limit of what is allowed. Reality girl too Josimelon (27, “Take Me Out”) belongs to this category.

At around 9.47 a.m. on Saturday morning, Josimelonie (27) contacted her fans from her bed. © Screenshot / Instagram / josimelonie

The 27-year-old from Mainz has an extremely important date for her on Saturday, which she is looking forward to and which is related to the coronavirus pandemic.

Late on Friday evening, she informed her followers in an Instagram story: “I’ll be vaccinated tomorrow, finally, with Biontech.”

At the same time, she announced that she would take her subscribers to her vaccination appointment via Instagram stories.

Josimelonie put this project into action on Saturday morning: With her first story of the day, she reported at 9.47 a.m., she was still in bed.

“I’m really looking forward to my vaccination right away,” the 27-year-old told her fans

The following story had it all: The woman from Mainz filmed herself in the mirror of her bathroom – she was naked!

Although she covered her voluminous breasts with one of her arms, some of them could still be seen.

The nude appearance was tagged with the hashtag #curvepower. This is the catchphrase that women celebrate their rounded body shapes. Josimelonie followed suit with her story from Saturday morning – round shapes are also her own.

How it is that the 27-year-old can already be vaccinated against the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus, she did not reveal. One possible explanation could be that Josimelonie, in addition to her work as a reality actress and student of education, also works as an administrative clerk in the public service.

Members of the state administration belong to the so-called critical infrastructure and thus to priority group 3 of those entitled to vaccinate, which has been approved for vaccinations in Rhineland-Palatinate since April 23.

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