Home » today » World » “Nails” Samara for the Bakoyannis report on Kosovo – 2024-04-29 16:43:30

“Nails” Samara for the Bakoyannis report on Kosovo – 2024-04-29 16:43:30

Former Prime Minister Antonis Samaras attacked Dora Bakoyannis with harsh words, without naming her, on the occasion of the report drawn up by the New Democracy MP on Kosovo’s accession to the Council of Europe.

Mr. Samaras characteristically mentioned, in the context of his greeting at the presentation of the book by Yannos Charalambidis, entitled: Civil War: EOKA II, Parakratos and Junta that “the unheard of things that happened recently with the resolution on Kosovo do not represent Greece and Hellenism. And it would be more important to deal with the 50 years since the invasion of Cyprus instead of involving Hellenism in dangerous paths, as with the resolution on Kosovo”.

It is recalled that the report caused a series of criticisms and even attacks against Dora Bakoyannis, with the Cypriot one at the forefront in the previous days, while Megaro Maximou and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs took a clear distance, even declaring that Greece at the level of Ministers of Foreign Affairs will abstain from the vote.

Antonis Samaras’ position in detail:


This year marks 50 years since the Turkish invasion. 50 years of occupation at the expense of the Republic of Cyprus. 50 years of a modern Greek tragedy without an end.

And I wonder: why has the Greek Government not proceeded, as it should, with international initiatives to commemorate this traumatic anniversary? This whole year of 50 years since the Turkish invasion should be dedicated to the promotion of the Cyprus tragedy.
I mean in its internationalization.

In less than three months is the black anniversary. Then when “I don’t forget” became a motto of heart and conscience for every Greek. I say it clearly: “I don’t forget” is not forgotten!

And one more thing: the unheard of things that happened recently with the resolution on Kosovo do not represent Greece and Hellenism! And it would be more important to deal with the 50 years instead of involving Hellenism in dangerous paths, as with the resolution on Kosovo…

These few words as an introduction on the occasion of today’s presentation of a three-volume work, written by my dear friend Giannos Charalambidis, entitled: Civil War: EOKA II, Paracratos and Junta. In his three-volume work, the author records and analyzes the modern tragedy of Hellenism and in a scientific way searches for historical truth and redemption.


History is an investigative turn to the past, which teaches through a clear look at the present and the future. And the more documented this turn is, the more reliable and instructive it becomes.

Because this is the only way it turns into useful knowledge to prevent what we often call “history repeating itself” and mainly the repetition of tragic situations. Like those that happened in Cyprus before, from – and against – the 1974 coup and invasion.

It is very daring to put one’s hand into the fire of a civil war. But the daring is worth it when the goal is to heal the wounds and reveal the truth, in a scientific and not arbitrary way. And this daring was undertaken by Yannos Charalambidis. Which combines the sciences, history, law, international relations and strategy to analyze the events through classified documents, primary testimonies and previously unpublished archival material.

The author sees the historical events from the distance of more than 50 years, but describes and analyzes them through the data of that time. He is neither a judge nor a “Prophet after Christ”. Nor does it indulge in hagiographies of the protagonists. He does not hesitate to break taboos and does not rest only on documents or testimonies, but crosses the evidence he collects and goes back and forth in time to substantiate what he writes.

In order not to do injustice to the protagonists, nor to himself as a researcher. But mainly in order not to do injustice to history and its lessons, which are valuable for citizens, for our democracy and for making strategic decisions, better and more effective than those of the past.

The examination of the relations between Athens, Nicosia and the Great Powers, mainly from ΄67 to ΄74, is thorough and relevant to the way in which they influenced our decisions and we theirs. The author coldly and objectively records all opinions and reveals how the power factors were weakened through the civil war, one of the central pillars of which was, unfortunately, Greece.

Additionally, Charalambidis analyzes how the balance of power shifted and structural changes occurred in the regional geopolitical system. In addition, there is something important that the author touches upon and emphasizes: That Turkey’s goal has always been the withdrawal of Greece from Cyprus and the simultaneous invasion and permanent presence of the Turkish Occupying Army to enforce dichotomous solutions that had been drawn up in 1956 by Nihat Erim.

Thus the way was opened for the complete Turkish control of the eastern Mediterranean by Turkey, which means the transfer of the line of defense of Hellenism to the gates of the Aegean, on the line of Crete, Karpathos – Rhodes.

Finally, the research work of Yannos Charalambidis awakens the legal, moral and political responsibilities we have as metropolitan Greece towards Cyprus and our Cypriot brothers.

Friend Yanno

I am confident that you will continue to hold high the banner of dignity and unfailing patriotism and that you will continue to gift us with additional scientific knowledge. Knowledge, which constitutes a strategic tool in the services of Cyprus, Greece and Hellenism in general.

From my side, only one thing: I don’t forget!

#Nails #Samara #Bakoyannis #report #Kosovo

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